You said it right the first time.
You said it right the first time.
Please feel free to call whatever drivel you watch now “anime” (actually, please don’t), but it would be appreciated if you used the period proper term of Japanimation for anything Robotech/Macross related.
Now Is The Perfect Time For You To Shut The Fuck Up and Mind Your Own Fucking Business
Who’s the blonde in the picture!??!
Go fuck yourself.
Impossible. Black people by definition can not discriminate.
Oh God, PLEASE tell me Anneliese van der Pol is going to be in this as well!
This is some grade A+, eleven out of ten trolling here.
Maybe the guy identified as a seventh or eighth grader. In which case, anyone criticizing him is a fucking bigot for doing so.
Anti-choice and pro-choice demonstrators outside the Supreme Court, 1989, AP
If Popplio turns out to be the best choice for the quickest/easiest run through the game, then who gives a shit what it looks like?
It’s Japanimation. How’s that? Fuck the term “anime”. You fucking wet-behind-the-ears punks have no respect for your roots.
So Nolan is gay for Mr. Feel The Vibrations? Not surprising.
The picture accompanying this post...three in the pink and none in the stink...or vice versa?!?!
Was that the most manly answer you’ve ever given to a question?
How does a billionaire get to be one without any ideas?
Are any of you the least bit athletic, or all you all a bunch of pansy-boys who love to talk about sports?
Japanimation. Why can none of you respect your roots?
Is his mom hot?
Trump told me to tell you to eat a bag of dicks.