
Just because a state government says it is legal, doesn’t mean your employer has to let you do it. Bells employer says no weed. So now he’s fucked.

Every single pair of twenty dollar earbuds I have tried have lasted long than the damn expensive Jaybirds I had.

Every single pair of twenty dollar earbuds I have tried have lasted long than the damn expensive Jaybirds I had.

Yes. And objects can be washed and sanitized.

That guy looks like a real douchenozzle.

Does Trixie have a nice rack?

I have no idea what that advertisement was selling, but whatever it was, I’ll take all of it.

You don’t sound like an ass. You sound like a perfectly reasonable adult human being.

Ashcraft, you’re an idiot. Everything I know about ninjas is RIGHT.

It’s just a game. You can’t grind them up into candy because they’re not real. Stop being dumb.

It’s like ten-thousand spoons when all you need is a knife.

SPOILER ALERT: Your Pokemon aren’t losers, you are.

Truly awesome investigative reporting there Klepek. You should win a Pullitzer for this article.

Yellow for Team Pikachu. Duh.

Thanks for helping kill the environment. I hope your personal comfort is worth the climate change it’s going to bring about. You’re destroying the Earth for future generations, but I guess that doesn’t really matter to you, as long as you’re OK in the here and now.

What the fuck are you talking about? ‘Anime’, as you wet-behind-the-ears babies call it, just means cartoons. How can they pick between ‘anime’ and ‘hentai’ if they’re making a cartoon with boobs and sex?

I have a Beta Demonic Tutor, an Unlimited Twiddle, and a full set of Revised dual lands I’ll sell him for the low, low price of a million dollars.

Well, there IS a limit to squishing. I, for one, know that it’s time to get a haircut when my hockey helmet starts getting too tight. Full disclaimer though, I’m white. Maybe black hair squishes more? I don’t know.

Fixed that for you.


I’ve never used the Camera item. Does it remove the game interface? If not, I call bullshit on most of those pictures.