Shocking. Someone wants to broadcast (presumably) hot women in bikini tops. Stop the presses, this is major news.
Shocking. Someone wants to broadcast (presumably) hot women in bikini tops. Stop the presses, this is major news.
You must be some kind of mega-wimpy super-pussy if you think any of that constituted some sort of “bodyslam” on Trump. I mean, you are really really really a fucking pansy ass pussypuss. You’re like, the biggest milquetoast pussy ever to roam Pussyplanet. Sereiously. Pussy pussy pussy pussy. You’re a fucking pussy.…
No worries.
Sorry about your reading comprehension.
What a pussy.
Uh, I’m able to sit just fine with my legs open or closed. Millions of men and women outside of the Shitty of New York are able to do so. Don’t ask me what makes this such a major fucking issue in that cesspool of shit city, because it doesn’t seem to be an issue outside of there.
I don’t go and get a job at a horse stable, and then complain about having to shovel shit. If it’s known that being a female music journalist is a shit job, due to the lecherous proclivities of so many of the males in the music industry, then why would a woman want to get into that line of work?
I would say that hurts, but I’ve learned to insulate myself from such accusations made by bigots.
Has Nintendo actually used either the abbreviation “S&M” or “SM” in any of their discussion of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon? If not, you’re all just a bunch of fucking idiots for jumping all over this. I mean, most of you are a bunch of fucking idiots anyhow, but doubly so over this.
I would pay extra money to punch Mike Fahey in the face along with Sam Biddle and Hamilton Nolan.
What the fuck? Where do you people find time for all this shit? I’m lucky to be able to sit down for thirty minutes a day and play Pokemon or something. Who the fuck has time to be involved in all these video game dramas, and why do they exist in the first place?
Of course you don’t work out. You fucking pussy.
I don’t apologize to bigots.
All the more reason to make them more appealing to men and double the audience then! After all, isn’t that what we’re constantly told about video games/comic books/etc.?
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Why is it nobody ever says “We need to make soap operas more appealing to men” then?
I’d hit it.
Maybe he should have hired a real estate agent to do that, instead of loitering with his posse outside the place while it was closed? Just a thought.