Disagreeing with progressives does not make one a lunatic, nor hateful.
Disagreeing with progressives does not make one a lunatic, nor hateful.
Cool story. I guess you had to be there. Idiot.
Fahey, you’re a fucking idiot.
You moved high level Pokemon back over, or low level Pokemon?
That’s the Bank’s functionality in X at least. Wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t work the same way for Red, Blue, and Yellow, but I would make it so. Nintendo might not agree.
You might have a point there. It might not be possible to import them back in. I guess we’ll find out soon.
It’s a choice on whether or not you decide to buy Red, Blue, or Yellow.
1.) You forgot Pikachu, since Yellow is being released as well.
You seem like you’d be a lot of fun at parties.
I’d hesitate to say they’ve been “successful”. Except for maybe the latest try with Deadpool. But hey, keep spending money on enough movies, you’re bound to get one right, eh?
Actually, ‘suite’ is an appropriate word in this instance as well. Suite can be defined as “a number of things forming a series or set”. In this instance, it’s a set of modifications to the Iron Man armor to deal with a specific problem/person/whatever.
Whoa dude, calm down. It’s all imaginary....
That was way harsh Tai!
Reparations have been going on for years. What else is there to talk about?
Perhaps no white folks are noticing their white privilege because their white privilege checks keep getting lost in the mail. I haven’t received a single one of mine!
She’s crazy. And everyone knows crazy broads are the best in bed.
Because he’s writing with his hand but THINKING with his balls!
You expected an apology from someone on the Internet? That’s pretty gay...
Fuck all this noise. You get all the valuable shit you can out of that place, and THEN you stick around and start playing that game right back on this bitch. If you’re good and lucky, you might get a few threesomes (with another girl, not with this “C” dude) and perhaps some anal out of this.
I don’t know about that. The gold and black dress doesn’t really look good on him.