No hablo Espanol...err...or Portuguese....
No hablo Espanol...err...or Portuguese....
No hablo Espanol...err...or Portuguese....
No hablo Espanol...err...or Portuguese....
“Fuck’s up with that?”
Shane, howabout using the ol’ Gawker pull and getting SOMEONE to offer a sale on Cities: Skylines? I want to buy it, but can’t get myself to pay full price for it!
Shane, howabout using the ol’ Gawker pull and getting SOMEONE to offer a sale on Cities: Skylines? I want to buy it,…
I’ve casually observed the various blog posts you’ve made for Gawker. Given the topics of most of those posts, I’m going to say your sense of style and your taste is worth about a five pound sack of turds, and ignore anything you say I shouldn’t do.
You could always make your own movie and cast anyone you want in it. Just a thought.
I don’t think you were kidding. I think you honestly didn’t understand how the chart worked. It’s OK to admit you were mistaken about something.
Is it really so hard to type out four more letters? Is “what” really that difficult to include with “the fuck”? Fuck you, fuck your mother, fuck all your ancestors, and fuck every fucker on this planet that seems to thing “what inferred” is acceptable grammar. Fucker.
Bernie chokes on Kokk
How does it feel to go through life looking for something to be enraged about every second of every day?
And you’re an asshole IN SPECIFIC! Calling people names is FUN!
Stop it. It’s just getting stupid. Dadbod is still not a thing. It’s never going to be. Gawker needs to knock it off. Idiots.
Well, since the New 52 wiped out the Jack Knight version of Starman, and the roots Sandman had in the DC Universe, I guess I’m not sad to see this change which could restore those to some sort of DC canon.
So....someone from Gawker made a “dad bod” ecard, and then you guys linked to it in a tenuously related article? Have you people no shame? Stop with the dad bod shit. It’s stupid.
I see your point. When I read the article, I thought the folks shouting were just making guesses as to what superhero he was referring to, not trying to prove him wrong.
What? How is that racist? Please educate me.
For the record, I’m pretty sure every member of the Deadspin staff would fail on the firstAmerican Ninja Warrior obstacle.
I will be happy when the anime industry dies and we can go back to calling it Japanimation like we did before all the pretentious fuckwads thought that term wasn’t politically correct for some reason.
Get your own check stub!
If there’s one thing Samer Kalaf knows, it’s boners!