Did Samer take two NBA players’ dicks in his mouth for you to take the time to pound this blog post out, or are you just getting really good at multi-tasking?
Did Samer take two NBA players’ dicks in his mouth for you to take the time to pound this blog post out, or are you just getting really good at multi-tasking?
You’re bad at capitalization. And who said I was trying to be funny?
Katy Perry, and now Christina Hendricks? That Elmo is one fucking lucky son of a bitch!
I’m disappointed that they didn’t take this opportunity to make the entire Marvel Multiverse black.
Wow. Took Jezebel a while to blog something about this. I’m mildly surprised it was addressed at all...how to balance Pitbull love against Chris Brown hate?!?!
Uh, can “white bigots” even like NBA basketball? Why would they? What would posses a white bigot to even turn on an NBA game? You make zero sense.
Wait...isn’t Hollywood in general and these film festivals specifically just a bunch of liberal creative types constantly blowing each other anyhow? Am I unaware of some secretive conservative power-structure in the entertainment business that is keeping all the womenfolk down? How are W., global warming, and SUVs…
No, you’re an idiot.
Dear All Gawker Blogs,
Video games are not “sports”.
Sure, they can hit them between voting centers! *rimshot*
All I got out of this story was that I wanted to see that woman’s face and tits. Before she got punched.
At what temperature should you freeze the biscuits?
Someone who plays hockey understands the game better than a bunch of schlubs that write about it? I’m shocked, SHOCKED I say to discover this...
If that’s the mayor in the picture, she can call the team whatever she wants. She is obviously of an ethnic background that is not capable of being racist.
Perhaps the favorite subject of every Deadspin blogger, especially Samer Kalaf!
Rock on!