
What, one of the many Deadspin bloggers fellating James daily couldn't tell us where the headband went?!?

Uh....I proposed to my now wife on a beach. With her friends there. And she dug the Hell out of it. Was that wrong?

Who does this shit and thinks it is ok? Pretty much every rapper on the face of the planet...

I'm a little confused. The article made it sound like the "Mom B" was singing the same song as the frat sang in the video on the bus. However, the associated news clip seemed to indicate that "Mom B" was just singing along to some song that has 'the n-word' as a lyric, as is the case with many popular rap songs these

I don't understand what's going on here. The media has assured me on a near-daily basis for the past several months that young black men are paragons of civility unless faced with evil, racist, power-drunk white cops. I didn't see any such cops in any of the videos associated with this incident. What caused it all?!?

Good plan DC, good plan! I bet they're going to take this opportunity to introduce a new black Joker!

You're all missing the hidden point of this article. I'm fairly certain that when Samer Kalaf talks about being "dunked on", he's actually referring to being "spunked on" by one of the many basketball players he fellates on a daily basis.

Fake Indian? Fuck you, you judgmental racist piece of shit. You have zero right to deny someone of their ability to ethinicly-identify in whatever manner they feel is appropriate. Good for you, you ethnicity matches what your ancestral lineage says you are. Not all people are so lucky. Next time, check your ethnicity

Fuck you too.

Fuck you.

Samer you fucking pussy, you couldn't handle one, much less ten. Go back to blowing basketball players.

It's a shame they didn't take the opportunity in the prequels to ret-con her as a black princess. Maybe they can do that in the new movies.

Oh gee. More ballsack-schlurping of NBA players. I'm so shocked to see this blog post from you.

Wait...what's the Official Jezebel Stance on Hillary? The lack of gushing praise for her and scorn heaped upon detractors as evidenced in this posting would make me think Hillary is on Jezebel's bad side...but if so, why?

If you think that was a fight, you're a real fucking pussy. You fucking pansy. I bet the real fight was when the various Deadspin bloggers in attendance all swarmed the two pussy basketball players while they were on the floor, all trying to be the first to get all four of the players' gonads in their mouth...

What the fuck Samer? Get that guy's nuts out of your mouth long enough to shout him a warning at least...

Who's the fucking racist? What makes you think that's a banana and not an Asian penis? Fucking racist.

If you're worried about NASA being gutted, write to your representatives and ask them to have NASA focus what limited budget they have on space exploration instead of monitoring climate change.

I'm pretty sure Katy Perry is in the bad column according to Jezebel as well. I think they occasionally say a nice thing about her, but I'm pretty sure that's just a front.

Those same Internet commenters allow Gawker sites to exist, and for you to presumably receive some sort of compensation for the blogging you do here. So in some way, they are a bit heroic.