
I have such a hard time believing any bloggers for Deadspin actually procreated. Of course, I could be jumping to conclusions...the child could be adopted I suppose.

I guess. It makes my eyes bleed, and isn't proper grammar in the slightest. But I will admit, I'm in the minority here.

I'm curious. It's popular convention to leave out the necessary "what" in 'what the Hell' as you have done...why then do you bother to type out the "Where" in your second sentence? Wouldn't "Are the Deals?!" suffice?

Big deal. My grandmother in her late eighties is equipped to destroy 100% of guys in the league.

Pfft. For that to be true the words would have been LeBrondon, Penra, and Mouthton.

Billy Joel doesn't suck at all compared to all the dick sucking the average Deadspin writer does. Go fuck yourself.

Or maybe Nick Jonas has no fascination with the bullshit supposedly-tough guy macho Italian "culture", like a relatively small minority of us folks out there.

That's what I thought to, until I read this part:

Wait wait wait. order to not have to jump, he clones objects that normally aren't in that particular spot in the game? That seems like altering things too much to me. If you're going to do that, just change the location of the target object. It's essentially the same thing.

Deadspin: We're All Over All the Dong News

You expect young liberals to get minor things like words right?

Is it OK if I already didn't have an opinion on how anyone gives birth?

It figures this video would get a lot of attention at Deadspin, mainly because the other guy keeps trying to get his junk into the video.

The biggest change is we called it Japanimation back then and not anime. And we weren't so damn politically correct and uptight that we though Japanimation was some sort of bad word...

Thanks for the hugs and interaction. You helped a slow, dreary Friday pass by quicker. Now I'm going to get my grandmother her weekly fish and chips (no, for real I am, that's not even a joke) and go goaltend a hockey game. Wish me luck!

I don't recall I've said anything to you that warrants an apology. If you feel different, then please let me know what the transgression was, and I'll apologize. If it's because you feel I've directed a racist comment your way, I've already informed you that 'British' is not an oppressed, protected group and therefore

You're sexist for assuming I gender identify as a man.

Why kill time on a slow day at work?

You do understand that my little avatar picture is a troll wizard, right?

Eh? Not sure what you're referring to. I didn't realize 'pedant' was so popular in modern lexicon. I am apparently out of touch with how the majority of society wishes to express themselves I suppose. Bound to happen, can't stay young and hip forever.