
That's pretty impressive. I stand corrected.

It's too bad you spent a lot of time typing out what seemed to be a thoughtful essay and then ruined it all by relying on a citation from Wikipedia, which as everyone knows is not to be used as a credible source:

So....Robert Downey, Jr., an actor in a series of movies, is somehow responsible for the company who makes those movies not giving a solo movie to an actress that he has worked with?

Like any of the Deadspin bloggers would do any better...

This is what passes for solid trolling in your world?

Theory two seems pretty valid. I banged your mom, and look at how bad your writing is!

The root word 'pedant' and it's various iterations aren't big words. They are annoying words because they tend to be overused by folks on the Internet in an attempt to seem fancy and intelligent. I have never once in forty years heard or read anyone use this word outside of slinging it as an insult on the Internet.

Oh. That's strange. I thought it was supposed to be their ideas that mattered most, not their age, gender, or race.

One of the most frequent criticisms lobbed at the Zelda series is that it's always just the same game, over and over again...

No. I don't hang out with stupid fucking people. I hang out with people who don't try to pretend they're smart by using stupid fucking words.

I don't care, fucker.

You do what, use the word 'pedant" in everyday speech? Good for you. I bet your neckbeard LAN parties are all the fucking rage.

Yes. I'm aware of what it means. I looked it up the first time some Internet nerd used it. Never once had I ever heard or read the word prior to that event. I suppose it could be used in circles of folks I don't associate with, or in literature outside of the books and periodicals I commonly read, but if that's the

Academia. That's funny. I almost "lol"ed as you kids these days would say.

Bro, do you even comeback?!?

And I'm sure all your dolls...sorry..."action figures" cringe when you insult them so!

You don't get out of your mother's basement much, do you?

I am very irascible. Now get the fuck off my lawn.

God forbid young people (or anyone really) be made to expend some effort to vote.

That sounds like great news. Let's go smoke some crack and steal some car stereos to celebrate!