
A.K.A. The Typical Tweeter User?

Best of luck on your future grandmother offending endeavors!

If you MUST have a social media account, then take the five seconds or five minutes or whatever it takes to make it private. If you rely on a social media account as part of your business, don't say anything on there you wouldn't say in front of your grandmother (unless your business model depended on offending

Some people should just stay off social media. And by some people, I mean pretty much everyone.

The scary part is how easy it is to NOT damage your professional reputation in the information age, yet people do it anyhow.

Lazy basketball players and coaches? Who would have thunk it...

This appears to be a very racist organization. Why are other ethnic groups not properly represented on this roster? Shameful.

I once dumped a five gallon bucket of feed corn (uncooked and dry, taken right from the field) on someone's head. I'm not as bad as these idiots, right?

It wasn't a goal, it couldn't have counted!

Doesn't matter.

Anyone who has a problem with this has a real easy course of action. Don't by her shit. If enough people don't buy this shit, no money will be made, and the company will go out of business. That's how shit gets done for real, not by crying about it on the Internet and in social media.

Unlike most Deadspin writers, my dick is never in my ass in order to be shitted out.

Your description of fracking is spoken like a true Gawker writer!

Wandering naked in the woods four days after a music festival? Keep doing those drugs you Millenials, keep doing those drugs!

Double-J can come back to the 'Burgh and lower that number for you a bit if you'd like.

You can't have a Stanley Cup Final consisting of Chicago vs. Detroit vs. Columbus. Idiot.

A guy on my hockey team is half black. So take that all you naysayers!

I can't understand 99% of what this guy is saying.

I thought it didn't matter how you were born, only how you self-identify?

I love all the people talking about pastors and religion and churches as if this incident has anything at all to do with those things. He is an actor, and he is quite possibly an asshole and a criminal (if what he's admitting to is true). According to the article, he was also going to be in the movie Ted 2. Why isn't