
This is a tragedy, as Phelps is such a hero in our land!

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait...

For those that have a huge problem with the word "God" in this comment, simply substitute the word "evolution".

Is this technically racist? Seems to me she has a problem with a pair of religious groups (or non-religious group as the case may be) and a blanket 'minorities', which could be construed as left-handed people named Wilbur. I didn't see any comment directed at any particular group based solely on their ethnicity.

And if there's one thing Deadspin writers are experts on, it's the subject of dongs. begin to write an article about a kid who essentially recognizes that it's important economic issues holding all Americans back, then you devote nearly half of your text to the very sort of issues he's saying are detracting from the focus on real problems with our country, before adding one last paragraph

And fourth, despite railing against the NFL for weeks, Deadspin has no problem posting many articles covering the Sunday NFL games!

Ah, Deadspin. Home of "we think the NFL is comprised of the worst people in the universe, but we'll still write a bunch of stories about them!"

Still writing NFL articles after railing so hard against the NFL for a couple weeks. Stick by your principles and stay classy Deadspin...

Unlike the average Deadspin writer, some men are used to women touching their penis.

The app deal of the day is undoubtedly Goat Simulator! It will be the best $4.99 you've ever spent (not on a prostitute).

The app deal of the day is undoubtedly Goat Simulator! It will be the best $4.99 you've ever spent (not on a

I find it amusing (not really) that despite having barely enough food for the two of them, my daughter's boyfriend has managed to acquire two dogs and a cat. Of course, he has plenty of time to get these animals since my daughter supports his lazy no-job-having ass. Sorry. This turned into a rant about something

The real crime is he didn't follow up with the right to make that pussy feel so good just like in the rap song.

Nice of you to dismiss my comment. Pussy.

OK wise guy. So the protagonist in the song has two penises then, so that he can "hit it" and "beat it" with the left and the right? Or is he simply slapping his balls against the vagina in such a way that equals the recipient receiving the expected pleasure that comes with "really good sex"?

Pets are apparently a great "hook" for controlling/insecure/whatever participants in a relationship to coerce the other participant into staying in general.

They'll all be dismissed eventually, I'm sure. I'm not surprised. These Deadspin guys are pretty much a bag of gaping vaginas.

This is a valuable article related to the NFL that this very same website has been complaining up one side and down the other about. Boy, you Deadspin guys are really standing up for your beliefs!

Here's another NFL article! Glad you Deadspin guys are high-and-mighty enough to call the NFL terrible and point out all its flaws, but you still slap these bits up on your website, giving them publicity (and generating clicks for you!).

Oh, is this an NFL related article? On a website decrying how awful the NFL is right now? Way to take a moral highground. You'll proclaim loudly how terrible the NFL is, but won't think twice about still using them to generate clicks, eh?