
More hypocritical clickbaiting piggybacking on the magnitude of the organization you're covering! Stay classy Deadspin, stay classy!

More hypocrisy from Deadspin, railing against the NFL yet beating a dead horse for clicks! Yay journalism!

They are so sweet, they make me wanna crap my pants.

You know what I can't stop thinking about? Ninjas.

Yet, even after losing his mind, he still was more intelligent than the entire Deadspin staff combined!

Funny how "evil" Goodell and the NFL are proclaimed to be by Deadspin, yet they keep reporting on NFL related stories...hypocrites!

I wish I could give you a million stars!

Ray Rice's attorney is doing his job, earning a living defending his client, despite the distasteful situation.

Or that he places emphasis on issues that are different from the issues you place emphasis on...

So why is Deadspin still covering the NFL if it's so horrible?

OK Deadspin/Gawker "writers". Put your money where your mouths are, and stop giving the NFL and any of its affiliated teams any coverage on your website. That will teach the NFL a valuable lesson, and serve as an outstandingly noble gesture on your part of not relying on an organization you take such issue with simply

I'm not debating what is and isn't shown on ESPN. They've showed Magic: The Gathering after all. His not wanting to show it because it isn't a "sport" is fairly disingenuous. I do agree though, that video games are not sports.

No, he's right. Video games aren't sports, they're competitions.

Hypothesis: All Deadspin "writers" are pussies.

This is quite possibly the best, most accurate post I've ever read on this site, and possibly all of Gawker (outside of posts written by Feinberg), ever.

Around these parts, effort and news value will be virtually nil, context minimal.

You can call me the misogynist-purveyor-of-all-problems-white-male-scum-of-the-Earth all you want, but when you start cracking on Primanti Bros. sandwiches, then fuck you.

Eating fried chicken?