
Not sure what country uses the most O's for goal, but I'm pretty sure your mom uses the most for "Oh God!".

"Cracker lover"? Racist!

Did someone say fact checking? Tell me... How long have Jay-Z and Beyonce been married?

Actually, this would have been a lot less damning if he was in the box...

Wow. Are you seriously harking back to some sort of glory days by invoking the name Derian Hatcher? My hate might just turn to pity...

You expect Flyer's fans to use and understand logic?

Soccer, much like hockey, just isn't designed to appeal to the average American attention span. American football is ideal...the average attention span is from eight to twelve seconds, while the general time span of a single play in football is between 5 and 20 seconds. These dovetail very nicely, and unless you make

Come on act like fact-checking before posting an article is important. That's something only a professional bridesmaid should be expected to do, not a Gawker writer!

Just don't ask her to capitalize "i" or "i'm." Even dedicated bridesmaids have their limit, OK?


It sounds like you're full on set to believe women are objectified everywhere. That's cool. Everyone's entitled to an opinion.

Engineer. Airline pilot. Arctic research. Those seem like viable choices, and probably fairly well paid.

Perhaps television isn't a good career choice for someone that has a big problem with objectification?

I'm married, so I don't generally talk to women I'm attracted to other than my wife. But it's also not my job to get people talking and get ratings.

Tanner Glass is a winger, not a defenseman.

I just turned forty yesterday. Am I no longer allowed to find women attractive?

I think this was my absolute most favorite comment here on Jezebel ever.

Not really feeling it, but here, just for you...

What cool stuff?

Stay classy New Jersey!