Get LeBron's penis out of your mouth so you can see the ice better, then maybe you'll see how wrong you are.
You should have also told the guy going to the wedding that under no circumstances should he wear any kind of damn hat, period. No fucking fedora, no beret, nothing. No fucking hats. Also, unless it's winter, no scarves either.
How would you suggest I phrase what I said in a more respectful way? The way I phrased my initial comment to this article merely underscores the utter absurdity of the whole issue surrounding 'victimization' to begin with. What is the proper way to ask who is more at fault when a member of one victimized group commits…
Why would Drake be hanging out with a bunch of sweaty basketball dudes when he could be murdering Amanda Bynes's vagina?
That would be the creepiest Ronald McDonald birthday party ever!
You don't want debate. You want an echo chamber. You've made that point clear
Oh please. Lighten up Frances. Look at my little icon-avatar thingie for crying out loud. Do the folks here really enjoy all these comment threads being simplistic echo chambers with never a dissenting opinion, never a different point of view? That's dull and leads to stagnation. Maybe you're young and full of piss…
Fuck you for assuming I'm American you nationalist piece of shit
My my, aren't you the friendly sort
Really, my biggest plight is not being able to keep my scorecard of victimization straight. As I asked in relation to this story, who is more of the victim in one of these oppressed-on-oppressed incidents? How am I supposed to get down with the cause when I can't figure out which cause take precedent?
Well...I'm unsure what outrage I'm supposed to be expressing here. Obviously the gay man is only acting out because of a systemic persecution of gays throughout all of history, so he is in no way, shape, or form responsible for his actions. Yet, he's pretty much sexually harassing a likely woman (I personally have no…
If you couldn't tell he was gay, you need to get your gaydar calibrated.
Why didn't the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation buy the Redskins and change the name themselves?
"We asked LeBron James...aside from your penis, on what body part would you most like to have a Deadspin 'writer's' mouth?"
So what you're saying is black people DO get a pass to be barbaric to not only other ethnicities, but to each other because of racism? All personal responsibility is removed from the equation. Awesome. That's some sort of neat 'victim privilege' they have going there!
What point are you talking about? The Gawker 'writer' said don't wear a suit with shorts. Angus Young apparently says 'fuck you' to that notion. There isn't a point to be underlined.
Surely there are more overrated guitarists than Angus Young.
Why are you using so many words to describe what I summed up as "Fuck you"?