Schoolboy outfit or not...collared shirt, tie, jacket...suit.
Schoolboy outfit or not...collared shirt, tie, jacket...suit.
Cool, cool. Watch more wrasslin', I'm sure he's bound to be a big WWE star going forward.
Why is this even a discussion? Anyone who reads Deadspin on a regular basis knows that any guy from the NBA Developmental League (that's a thing, isn't it?) could single-handedly dominate an NHL team made up of the greatest players from across all generations.
...provoking an awkward "fall to your knees in euphoria after winning a point literally anyone with a pulse could have won themselves" celebration.
I call bullshit on your entire statement. Black on black crime isn't the result of racism, period. Individuals are responsible for their own actions. If someone wants to act barbaric towards another human being, they don't get a free pass if their skin is a color other than white.
Is that bottle what Drake would use to murder Amanda Bynes's vagina?
Don't forget the knives.
You're a pussy.
It isn't about compensating. It's about pointing out that the notion that basketball is some sort of rough and tumble sport played by rough and tumble athletes simply because of the ''bos under the hoop' is a ridiculous notion. There's nothing wrong with basketball, or liking basketball. It takes a fair degree of…
Did his semen taste the same when you gave him a blowjob later that night?
So many comments to this article discussing mental illness. Why does the conversation always have to be about mental illness? Why can't the conversation be about knives? When are we going to start talking about banning knives?
Maybe not 50 Cent bad
Why didn't you just say "We used the word 'minority' for click-bait"? Also, did you really allude to it being swell that 'minorities' are included in the game but then complain that they could be targeted? Should only white male NPCs be able to be killed?
I can tell the 'writer's' Internet connection went out because the article never got to the part about racism and misogyny.
I call bullshit. The 'writer' of this article admitted to not having even viewed the complete video prior to posting the article. I'd be willing to wager that the "racial" part was assumed, and turned out to be false.
Please, explain to me how it is racist.
A local church, Restoration Inclusive Ministries, has scheduled a town hall to discuss the misogynistic and transphobic (and no doubt racial) implications of the attack...
Pshaw. Of COURSE he was going to do something malicious with the pictures. He's a man. All men do is malicious things to their exes!