Hey. Cool for Sara Gilbert and Linda Perry. I always liked Sara as Darlene on Roseanne, and 4 Non Blondes was pretty good too.
Hey. Cool for Sara Gilbert and Linda Perry. I always liked Sara as Darlene on Roseanne, and 4 Non Blondes was pretty good too.
Uh, OK? Cool? You can change your screen name to Mr. Spock. Live long and prosper!
Well, OK. I actually don't have a problem with that. But it goes against the generally accepted way things are here at Jezebel.com.
If we can agree that people can be shit on no matter what their gender, skin color, or socioeconomic status is, then that's really the only point I'm trying to make. That DOES however fly in the face of the traditional thinking that it is impossible for white males to be victimized because they have been the…
I'm sure we could. We could fill whole libraries with the shit you have wrong sparky!
Or it could just be that this whole concept of victimization is a bunch of bullshit, and it's perfectly within the scope of reason that if the groups that have historically been so 'oppressed' and 'victimized' over the years can do wrong to each other, then yes, the so-called 'privileged' group can be the target of…
Yet I bring up valid points. Isn't it ironic, don't'cha think?
But both the men of color and the women of color are oppressed, marginalized groups. Therefore, it is impossible for one to victimize the other. So there shouldn't be any outrage over this situation. Or is my understanding of the rules wrong?
That's funny. My thesaurus doesn't have "edgy" as a synonym for "honest".
That's bullshit. Typical dogma around here states than men of color are indeed a minority victimized by the evil white male patriarchy. As are homosexual men of any skin color. So you can't just lump all males together as a problem.
Oh lighten up Francis. It's Friday. Yes, this is a shitty thing for the Kenyan guys to do. But it's a fine example of how people can be shitty to other people no matter what their skin color or gender is. The evil white male patriarchy doesn't have a monopoly on being shitty to other folks.
I personally think it's shitty to treat another person shitty no matter what their gender/color/religion/sexual preference/whatever is. I REALLY don't understand the hierarchy of victimhood that seems to get bandied about in the articles and comments here at Jezebel. I also don't understand why as an average white…
Oh come on. I make a nice 90-degree angle when I stand up.
It's foreign culture. It's awesome. It's not the evil white male U.S.A. patriarchy. It's a culture dominated by people of color. So it must be super cool.
Oh, please what?
But I was under the impression only the white male patriarchy could victimize the rest of the world. How could the men in a culture of people of color be negatively impacting the women in that culture? In other words, this has to be OK because it isn't white males doing it.
I don't understand. This is bona fide foreign culture from a country made up of predominantly "people of color". How is this a negative thing as the tone of the article seems to imply?
This is pretty much the most exciting news I've heard all week!
What the fuck?!? Next you're going to tell me Gawker sites resort to misleading article headlines for clickbait?!?!