
I'm not getting anything mixed up. Two lesbians joined a Christian group. Discovered they were lesbians together. No longer met the requirements of the group. Decided relationship was more important than the group, so stayed together. Time to leave the group. Simple. Why try to be a part of something that doesn't want

Well OK. The locals wanted them to stay. That really only removes a step and adds more people to this. If this whole group of young ladies wanted to band together and support each other, why would they want to belong to a larger group that didn't want them?

Sure. Fine. No big deal. They can be lesbians and Christians. But THIS particular group didn't want lesbian Christians as members. So they should have sought out another group to join. This isn't rocket surgery.

That's fine. But this particular group of religious folks didn't want lesbians as their members. So they should likely look for a group of different thinking religious folks who are more open in their acceptance of the relationship these young ladies decided to pursue.

Maybe they should have just joined a club that was more suitable to their particular interests? Why would you want to belong to a group that didn't want you?'s not global warming anymore. It got switched to climate change because shit keeps getting cold. Didn't you get the memo?

But now I'm confused. I've never dated any black girls, and I only have one friend who is half-black I'm told (I've never met his parents, so I can't confirm or refute this). Does this make me racist or not racist?

It's because you can't be double-crazy, right?!?! And since women are by-and-large generally crazy to begin with...

Will it be just as not-funny on the Oculus Rift as it was on the television?

Aren't all of these award shows pretty much based on people just doing their jobs?

Perhaps it's allowed because they know that after the game, the combatants and their friends aren't likely to pull guns on each other like in "black" sports.

Is Sting racist for wearing face makeup like that? The wrassler, not the singer that is...

Nice. I don't do too many weddings. Most of my time spent DJing was in, of all places, a pool hall/bar. Whenever someone came up and expressed their opinion about the songs I was playing (and I played a very wide variety of music to satisfy a diverse demographic of patrons), I usually just offered to let them take

Yeah. I had some of that superhuman adrenaline strength stuff going on. I literally pushed the whole pile of like ten people away from my table and speakers. I wasn't even charging my aunt anything, so no way was I letting my stuff get wrecked. I couldn't imagine someone trying to come up and okay with the equipment

I once DJed a birthday party my aunt threw for her boyfriend. The party was at a semi-private club. Towards the end of the night, apparently at least two people had too much to drink, and an altercation started. As I watched the pile of combatants and peace-makers grow, I put "Yakety Sax" on and turned the volume way

My daughter was spanked, and I mean spanked, not "hit" not "beaten" not "abused" exactly once in her life. She had been told repeatedly by me to stop touching...something, I don't even remember what, that she shouldn't have been touching. She looked directly at me, gambled that in my 103 degree fever bronchitis haze

But...but...but...China is a socialist utopia! How can they be creating pollution there?!? Everyone knows progressive-thinking socialist-leaning Communists care SO MUCH about things like the environment and stuff like that! How can this be happening?!?!?!?

Kinja is like a woman. Don't even try to figure it out. There is no logic to it.

This is quite possibly the best news I've ever read on Jezebel...nay, make that ANY Gawker ever.

One of them does at any rate...