
Probably because they're still the Browns and they're still in Cleveland.

That was exactly what I wanted to know as well...

I'll just leave this here...

You're probably not their target demographic.

What is a retweet? He just basically repeated something someone else said? Really? Who gives a fuck then. He's a plagiarist in that case.

"Goalposts: Shifted!"? I'm pretty sure in my earlier response to you I declared I refer to people by their names, and not by their gender and/or sex, which in case you have as low a reading comprehension as I suspect you do, is a more simplistic way of saying I refer to people as individuals (also note my proper use

Why should I be educated about transgender issues? Please, explain to me why this is important. Also, tell me what other issues I'm ignoring that are vital to my well being. While you're at it, please explain to me why I need to learn and understand about all these categories of human beings when I personally feel

"couldn't make the event", or weren't invited? Hmm?

I'm not classifying anyone. I'm not a government official, nor any sort of policy maker. I'm not transgender, intersex, or anything similar, nor is anyone I know. I'm also not God, Mother Nature, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Evolution, or whichever supreme force/diety/whatever you choose to believe in, so I didn't

I still don't understand what it is you want. I think you've made this issue so complicated in your own head that you can't understand the actual simplicity of it. What sort of accounting do you want? They're intersex. They're neither. They're both. What's the need to break it down further? I'm not understanding for

What point are you trying to make? They are genetic variations. You answered your own question by calling them intersex. What percentage of the population do they represent? Is it a significant enough portion of the population that we need to have intersex facilities? I don't care what anyone wants to call them. I

I tend to refer to people by their name, not by their sex.

Apparently, they are genetic variations outside the norm. Did you really need that explained to you? Sometimes DNA and genetics deal people a bad hand. They made me ugly. They might have made you dumb. Shit happens. Sorry.

No need. It was a hypothetical question used to point out the reality of the situation, which is reality. Someone can get a piece of paper that says anything they want, but as long as the physical reality of the situation remains, and in nature's basic rules of reality (with a few exceptions for primitive creatures,

So if my legal identification says I'm a bird, and I decide to jump off a building, am I going to be able to safely fly down?

Why should I not watch? I like hockey. I think I'm going to watch all the hockey I can. Thanks.

Worth the additional five bucks for shipping?

What the fuck are we supposed to believe? Fahey writes an article saying McNuggets aren't made from pink goop, Chan pens a different Gawker article saying they are. What the fuck guys? Do you people just publish anything? Is there no fact checking that goes on at Gawker?

Thanks Sparky!

You do understand the proper use of quotation marks, do you not? I retract my earlier statement of you being a MENSA genius. You're apparently just a dumbfuck.