
I had to reread and make sure it wasn't Adam Lambert taking a picture of Lenny Kravitz!

My husband gave me (cheap) swag from his job. A vegetable steamer (which I will admit is cool), the gift his boss's wife made him, a bead necklace. Then he got my kids to give me cheap tchotchkes and regifted the paper airplane calendar i got I'm last Christmas to our son.

When I was pregnant, I snuggied myself all the time. (Wink wink, shrug) Take that, Rumour Mill (is she related to Rumer Willis?), I'm one step ahead of you!

When I was pregnant, I snuggied myself all the time. (Wink wink, shrug) Take that, Rumour Mill (is she related to Rumer Willis?), I'm one step ahead of you!

I just realized, while frantically checking my bank account, that I haven't been to Target since before Thanksgiving. Bullet dodged—especially considering that I was going at least once a week until finances got extra tight at the end of last month. Poverty=1, Cybercriminals=0

Reason #8274830 that Chris O'Dowd should marry me. (And yes, they are all equally inconsequential and ridiculous.)

Natalie Portman, in addition to being incredibly intelligent and gorgeous, has awesome brows. Awesome as in I am in awe of them. I'm with you on the jealousy train!

I am insanely jealous of baby North's fantastic (imo, totes natural) eyebrows. Mine are translucent, and I have always wanted a Brooke Shields eyebrow situation. However, Nori has thrown Ms. Shields off her pedestal and claimed eyebrow victory.

I teared up at that photo!

I also have to post the non-lit photo to show our sweet baby-proofing so Babytastic doesn't ruin all the ornaments:

Here is the fake tree, complete with White Christmas screen shot!, my hubs got off Craigslist for $25. It's missing a strand or two (like at the top there) but we love it.

I also have to add this:


Geena Davis, please adopt me. Or hire me. I write grants!

Now playing

Also, REAL LIFE IS NOT A ROM COM immediately made me think of this:

Ugh. Gerard Butler can only be in it if he's the creepy guy who ends up either being hit by a bus (my vote!) or leaving her to "find himself" in Europe, kicking off the whole movie.

I'll be the brave soul who admits that I would watch the shit out of that movie. I MEAN IT. It should be made. However, I'd prefer Kat Dennings to star in it. Or Lizzy Caplan.

He just makes me want to scream SHUT UP AND MARRY ME at my computer.