Holy boobs, Batman!
Holy boobs, Batman!
1. I agree, Ms. Munn. The death of "twitterpated" has saddened me. Let's start an awareness campaign and be best friends.
I've been mulling this over quite a bit lately. I had a former classmate make a judgmental statement on Facebook in response to a joke I made about being bored as a stay at home mom. Her response honestly took me by surprise because I thought my joke was funny (damn Internet!). It still amazes me how women can attack…
If I were the Queen, I'd pay a look-alike to wear the Royal Snuggie(tm) and lounge about the palace so I could sneak out and race derby bikes or go skydiving.
Now my five year old son will like One Direction, which is the demographic they must hope to gain with a replica Mystery Machine. I hope one of them rocks Fred hair ala Freddy Prinze, JR.
I just snort-laughed and choked a little!
Terribly awesome! Although that was written by 17 yo Kimtastic who hasn't seen that movie in over a decade.
That photo of Kim K. on OK! perfectly shows the downside of water-retention in pregnancy: Octomom face. Some of it is probably fillers and prior face work, but dash it all, pregnant face = puffy face.
My husband posted this to Facebook today and tagged me, announcing that I'm beautiful. I cried before, during, and after watching the video.
NPH's twins are ALWAYS adorable, especially when in the company of either dad. That family warms my heart!
That was who I immediately thought of as well! Don't think she'd do it for $100, though.
The resident didn't ask me what my post-partum contraception plan was. She literally came in the room, looked at my chart, and said, verbatim, "Now is the time we start discussing tubal ligation" before she had even begun the examination. She never even asked if I wanted more kids or not. Going straight to tubal…
Exactly! If I had my own insurance (which I did at the time I got pregnant) and was at another office, this would have never even been discussed. THAT is what pissed me off. I had my other kids off of state aid and never had this come up. I'm only 28! I have time before I want to make that big of a decision.
Thank you. My birth experience was wonderful and I met lots of doctors who were fantastic. This just stuck out in my experience at the clinic. Overall, it wasn't bad. It wasn't my dream pregnancy, but I'm grateful to have had welfare to go on after I lost my job while pregnant.
I had a well-paying job. I lost that job when I was 12 weeks pregnant. It isn't easy to get a new job when you are pregnant, despite whatever laws "protect" you. Now that I am no longer pregnant, I'll put my college degree and skills to work again. The fact that you assumed that I am an idiot/uneducated slacker for…
I had a natural vaginal delivery, so we weren't discussing an option during a c-section. If I had brought it up, then there would be no problem. The problem is that she looked at my chart, saw I had two children already, and made an assumption based on my economic status that did not correlate with my life plans. I…
I was making plenty of money before I lost my non-profit management job while 12 weeks pregnant. I am college-educated and skilled, so I don't plan on being on welfare forever. Other women do not have that option, which is why I said my point was that our lawmakers should spend more time and money on educational…
As a low-income woman in PA, this pisses me off. Add that to the fact that lawmakers are having discussions about how many kids I get to have and I'm just a rage machine.
I was rejoicing in my heart of hearts over the Idris Elba as Bond piece until my heart broke with news of Scissor Sisters' indefinite hiatus.
Me too! That is my life with my kids daily.