“We don’t know the etiquette of this land, but this guy’s a Russian,” singer Brandon Flowers told the crowd. “You okay with a Russian coming up here?”
LOL how was this what his brain came up with?
This place, much like the rest, is filled with all the “eat the rich” one can handle and yet every single time one of the correct “rich” people is involved this shit shifts immediately.
Maybe you’d risk climbing a ridiculously high tree to rescue a cat, or got out in traffic to herd ducks...
Can someone clarify where Sheritte Corbin became a bro-dozer driving threepercenter? Was it the “purse” or the “car” that were our clues that this person falls into the same category of:
Did I miss something here? Is this a reality in which the UAW wasn’t shown to be a sh*t show for the last ten years? Was the UAW leadership immanently responsible and prudent therefore lending credibility to their newfound bad-asses-who-don’t-give-no-f*cks-about-no-damn-courtesies attitude? Does the membership think…
I’m guessing this is at least one reason the studios haven’t asked for your opinion. I can only imagine the meeting where you insist they spend time focusing on the turd car failing while demanding the car flip be left out...
Germany 1, at 2:00 AM. Got through to ticket selection but had to reset my password for eventim.de (even though I don’t have specific login credentials for that and it should’ve recognized my Ticketmaster login credentials.)
Got to purchasing and it crapped out at the payment portion.
No worries, I know now I’ve…
lol Welcome to 2023, where even when everyone hates every airline for all super reasonable reasons, and where an airline screwed up their own business by their own incompetency, and where the wronged party comes out the asshat because they still couldn’t keep their stuff together well enough.
Got in line this morning, 6:30 AM CST, for Sweden. Had the pre-sale access passcode notification. Sale started at 7:00 AM CST, but pre-waiting area opened half an hour earlier. When the line starts I’m 47k in line. By the time I get my shot there are no normal tickets left. I try each of the three dates, nothing. Go…
Agree, but I also get some throwback 906 vibes and that jives
Ah, classic dogs vs cats
Worth it
“shallow and performative”
Sort of sums up the last decade.
The Tesla/Elon story oughta be it’s own sociology course.
This is how we know Alonso will retire 2025 at the latest.
Kids, walking around in traffic is dangerous.
to the tune of CAD 13.2 million ($9.77 billion)
“I would argue riots have ostensible political causes or goals”
I’d argue you’ve never been to Philly the night they win a championship.