
This is the dream we’re sold in every other instance. “Great, more people can car pool and be more efficient” “Great, take public transit” “Great, ride a bike or walk!” this is the exact sort of thing that’s tossed out re-limited parking or car access in every other discussion on this website. Trump makes people go to

My brother and I went to visit family 800+ mi away last summer in his EV. For whatever reason he was convinced that the best way to do it was to charge only up to the point where we’d make our next charge with 5-6% left. All good until I woke him up (2-ish AM) in a bit of a panic as 30 min after leaving our last

Truly a hot post-covid take

The blocking the No 48 did was pretty rage inducing.
But Tommy then being overcome by the red mist and smashing into the No 1 and ruining the left rear of his own car made the Corvette’s day worse in every way.  There was some truly toddler level moralizing going on during his interview where “bad thing X made me sooo

Idk, he used his mirrors more than 90% of people and he doesn’t have a phone in his hand. Seems better than most.

In light of what CA is going through right now I would have thought there’d be some adult somewhere that would say “You know, what some X post says from random X user really isn’t much of a priority” but for whatever reason social media occupies quite a bit of the media world and by extension actual officials. On one

Someone should ask Trump to make it a federal law.”
Important to remember, that’s not how any of that works.

The idea is just kicking and screaming that Jersey isn’t getting a fair share of the pie.”
Eh, the NJ people the news talked to seemed more upset that they already couldn’t afford a very good lifestyle in NY, hence living in NJ, and now they’re getting hosed for that too.

Did the current president retire a few months ago?

Read the AP piece, it’s the sort of low hanging fruit that pretty quickly captures the problem with journalism. At the head of one early paragraph, this stuff wouldn’t even be survivable. At the head of the very next paragraph, you won’t even need a bunker to survive this stuff. Sprinkled throughout, reasons why this

But the driver’s WC doesn’t pay like the Constructors does and RB have been bleeding staff all year long.

I’m not sure Liam’s given the impression he’s less hot than Yuki.  Isn’t this they guy that’s flipped the bird to Checo and gotten into it with Alonso already?

$2.4 B, 3 yrs, and 30 new sites...

May have been leaded gasoline from 40yrs ago...

“may have” sure does a lot of heavy lifting

It looks like someone didn’t try hard enough when the video game they were making needed a car in it.

I do not remember that the chemtrail truthers circa 2007 was a Republican thing...

Wasn’t the invasion of Crimea in 2014?...

Who’s the PR firm in charge of helping FOM/F1? Fire that group asap.
Nearly impossible for them to walk this back and not look petty and small.

A normal person might think, “We’ve gotten so wildly judgmental that even people who vote for the same politicians we do have resorted to some wild bs just so we won’t berate the heck out of them.” but a quick look through the comments reveals there are actually no adults in the room.
Self reflection, nah.  Let’s