
The gobsmacking lack of critical thinking that leads to this: “This protection is a bit counterintuitive, because it’s far less damaging to fill up a gas-powered car with diesel than vice versa.”

Looks like maybe Judy Garland, which would track given the theme

I thought the same thing.
Found this in an article about Modesto getting some later this year.

I don’t know.  Blood purity speeches, especially made in the pursuit of power, are usually big red flags.

They wrote the rule to make sure Spa 2021 never happened again, then wrote it so poorly that Japan 2022 happened. Any judgement of the FIA is earned.

5th Gear
Welcome to Jalopnik, where we hate you hard and laugh at your tragedies if deemed not tragic in the right ways, to the right people, or the correct degree.  But you know we’re one of the cool good guys because the snark is so fun and hip.

Two things can be bad at the same time

Jack Bannon.
Looks the part in Pennworth and just young enough to maybe get three or four films before he’s 100 (dig at Eon and their inability to make one of these in under 5 yrs)

Where we open to a Bond who hasn’t even made double-0 status yet...
Babs and Michael can’t decide.

We’ve tried looking at younger people in the past. But trying to visualize it doesn’t work. Remember, Bond’s already a veteran.”

Ultimately, the investigation revealed that this was an extremely tragic incident in which 13-year-old Andre Retana fell off his bicycle in front of the construction truck after riding up in front of the vehicle from the right side blind spot. In reviewing the video evidence and witness statements, the driver had

I think it’s when cross traffic pedestrians are using their crossing signal, but opposite right direction right turners are turning on red.

could watch Rings of Power for free money

Except he ended up winning in court, had the ban overturned, and was actually paid €15k less than six months later.

Porsche and Audi, sure.
But I don’t think there’s the same thing at work in Volkswagen or BMW, and English speakers sure as heck shouldn’t be saying “bae-em-veh”.
Mercedes-Benz definitely fits the rules of Porsche/Audi, but nah that one hard.

Moar nostril! 

I’m as big a Bond fan as I feel like is healthy or safe, and since I can’t seem to get myself out of the greys for a normal post I’ll leave this here:
Jack Bannon
I feel pretty certain I’m the only one pushing this but his Alfred in Pennyworth is like a perfect audition.

I hear you, but I also feel like geopolitically speaking Eon have been given 10 yrs of material in Russia or China related themes. It’s almost a return to Connery era shenanigans.