
Speed limiter 

Closer, but I still disagree. There’s enough time in-between for you to pick up at least one film, maybe two, and then there’s your entire career after. The next person could always be Connery good (Oscar winner, knighted, etc.)


Said it before and I’ll say it again, Jack Bannon.
Young enough for Barbara to screw around and somehow only get 3 movies out of 30 yrs (/s) and playing Alfred in Pennyworth has basically been a multi-season long audition. He’s the image of literary Bond to a tee and has the on-screen charisma.

Must suck for actors to know they’re signing up for 4-6 movies that should be on pretty set schedules, to play one of the most iconic and legendary characters of all time, that will almost assuredly not bomb at the box office regardless of how good the movies are?

Plus, this supporting cast is outstanding. I’ll take Ralph Fiennes, Naomi Harris, Ben Whishaw, et al for as long as they’ll sign up.

I think the issue might be less “takes creative liberties” and more “inverts the entire story” on a subject it’s creators seem to understand their audience may have little previous knowledge of and hope to “edu-tainment” them enough to actually learn for themselves the good guys fighting against the invaders in the

“Edutainment” at it’s finest

Going back to China eh?

Same experience.
Went in 2012, 2013, and last year.
The amount of people in the airport at my connection in Houston talking about F1 and DtS was impossible to miss.  Huge amounts of first time fans.

Yeah, plays much better. Still a little much but kinda much in the right direction.

Really? Seems that discussion is occurring all the time...
Surely the years worth of arguing over how big the $1T infrastructure bill should be included these very arguments.

Constantly get feedback that better routes/more routes/and more frequent route cycles are what the commuters want, almost always choose fair free.

Well it was Pam delivering to Robert Robert over his pursuing full custody of Lana’s child so it landed pretty well.

Ah.  EVs, gigantic trucks, normal cars.  Groundbreaking

“the only new Forester he could get to lease was over $40k” = “Must be all the new EVs and gigantic trucks”?

Now playing

Not gonna say I have the science on it, but youtube seems to suggest many EV’s should work their way into this category that seems intended at “outlier” vehicles with extremely similar.
I’d assume the Model 3 isn’t the sort of vehicle they imagine to get a driver into class for but when someone’s going from a 2015

In Australia when you have driving instruction and testing is it similar to America in that you’re likely to get an instructor (possibly a sheriff/cop on desk duty) who has almost no clue what they’d be instructing beyond the textbook they work from?
Or in these graduated licensing programs will Mark Webber eventually

If heavier cars and fast acceleration are some sort of strict guideline on who needs this new improved license then we’ll all be getting them soon.  These EV’s are all pretty heavy (5100 lb Taycan?  5000lb Model S?) and there’s been a ton of youtube content confirming they’re almost all fast as heck off the line.