

I got to “These guys all long for the days of colonialism, when they could just enslave people and force them to do their resource extraction” and couldn’t quite figure out how to recover.

Now for the fun part: Place your bets, which one of the five main characters is dying a clone?

Specific to Laurie, wouldn’t it have made much more sense to give Rue a much smaller, more manageable amount of drugs to start out with?


Beat me to it, but that’s the very first thing I thought of when I saw the topic.
Bond, back better than ever! Craig is 007! One of the best in the entire run!
And he’s driving a... Ford Mondeo
Whomp whomp

I thought being critical of pretty much anyone who doesn’t subscribe to your politics was a virtue these days.

4th: A hearty chuckle at the woefully misplaced conviction a new respiratory virus and a congress with near no meaningful majority was going to somehow deliver “climate justice”, whatever that nebulous phrase is supposed to include (apparently bankrupt oil companies at the least.)

I thought everyone already expected the entry level of anything that Walmart sells to be the sort of item you get either kids to outgrow or if you’re not sure the person you’re buying it for has any real intention of doing anything with it.

Plenty of times I share a little wisdom to a non-car friend and it’s immediately met with indifference.  Cool, can’t wait to hear the complaints when that thing I told you to check on 6 months ago turns into a four or five figure bill.

I’m ready for America to quit the “tip everyone for everything” charade.

The highlight chemistry was Nate and Lexi’s on the couch, but to each their own.

This needs to be a long article on Jalop.
It’s staggering how many paid driver’s have no idea how to get around the area they drive in. At least half the time an Uber picks me up from my apartment they head out in the least efficient way possible. I usually just suffer through but it can be mind-blowing. I usually gauge

The real question is, what happened that this road is scattered with children and parked cars?

Fixed the scary click bait for you.

“Crypto will be great” they said

This may be bold, but just because the same 25-35 yr olds going online to read this week’s review of Batwoman do not watch Yellowstone and apparently don’t have peers that do (not surprising) does not mean there isn’t a meaningful part of that demographic watching the latter. It may even be conceivable those younger Ye

Not directed at Erik, but it’s 11 CST and still no post about Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon being carjacked.  I’d be perfectly fine with this if not for the precedent already set that anything remotely related to police, politics, and cars should get a hot take write up.

I don’t think charging overnight vs refueling in 3 min is the “advantage” you think it is.