
No! Please god ladies, give us another chance. Btw, I've seen her work and this woman is a goddamned blow job artist. I will never understand bros who get the privilege of dating someone who most of us will never even get to be in the same room with and then treat them like shit. Also, I grew up in a house with

It scares me how there is seemingly an infinite supply of creeps on the internet. I bet most of those people are totally pleasant in real life too. Like, it makes me worry that I have some acquaintance or neighbor or coworker or distant relative who blows off steam by going online and making fun of domestic violence

The fact that they think that to suck their dicks somehow would reduce a persons value really says alot about what they think about themselves and their own self worth

Yep it looks like they've officially requested an end to that sort of lewd behaviour.

So we're done with blow jobs now, right? Wrap it up, ladies, the bros have spoken.

"For reals, I'm a piñata."

You, know… people are always telling me that I look like someone famous but can never put their finger on it. Thank you, Jessa Dugger's FiL… now i can tell them it's bc I'm Hitler's doppelgänger.

Maybe I'm nuts, but I see that Chastian comment as a criticism of lazy casting and by no means throwing shade at Streep.

Holy shit, she's 33 years old?! Wow. She doesn't look a day over 2. Good for her.

are you for real? not caring is completely understandable. having gone through life literally not knowing there was more than one way to cook an egg is BAFFLING. the thing that is baffling is HE DIDN'T KNOW OTHER WAYS EXISTED, not that he didn't know how to do it himself.

not caring how they're done and not knowing multiple ways TO COOK EGGS are completely different.

Hehe. If Benedict Cumberbatch and Maggie Q got married they would be...

Amal's wedding dress by Oscar de la Renta is much more lovely than my wedding dress by J. C. de la Penney.

Are they hiring? Asking for a friend...

Why did Kanye let her finish?

You know, I had this crazy thought.

She's also a "trained law officer"... seems legit.

Now playing

I continue to be flummoxed by folks who believe that flying is somehow a constitutional right, that air marshals and cops are just there to annoy them, and that if they just yell and make a big enough scene they can totally stay on the small metal tube that will soon be up in the air.