
Seems pretty obvs to me: Venkman/Melissa McCarthy, Egon/Tina Fey, Stantz/Amy Poehler, Winston/Octavia Spenser, Louis Tully/Amy Sedaris.

I feel like, if you are looking into surrogacy, you should make it clear in the contract before inserting fertilized eggs that you have no interest in raising any potential disabled children, so that the surrogate knows going into it that she might have to abort, keep the disabled child, or give it up for adoption.

People who call it "making love" really grind my gears...

That women should have a little respect for her Doctor, Her vaginal birth has a good chance of interfering with his golf game. Pregnant women are so selfish, they act like giving birth is all about them and their babies.

Oh THAT'S a snack. Ok this story makes sense now

Sodas... snacks... those words sound familiar, but I have no idea what they are.

I like how she holds up a soda and a snack to illustrate sodas and snacks as she is saying "sodas and snacks." Just in case we don't know what sodas and snacks are.

It happens; your comment wasn't hostile or aggressive. I find it remarkable that people can't just see an error, realize someone else has pointed it out and move on. 20 plus people stopping to make the same rude comment over and over is just unacceptable. She gets it; she misread the article. I wrote the article and

Thanks ladeefrickenda for your point even though as you may have noticed some folks have pointed out the subject of the article is a man, not a woman. But thank you for your comment; it's a beautiful wish indeed.

This too:

I am just going to leave this right here for anyone else who needs it:

One day I was sitting on the bus behind a girl with headphones on with a guy started calling her "Blondie," and just generally telling her how he'd like to get to know her. He wasn't particularly crude about it, but it was clear his attention was unwelcome. But he kept trying, and she kept replying in monosyllables

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone at that lovely ass."

Only Brad Paisley is allowed to suck at a Brad Paisley concert!

Psh, when I get 100 balls for my birthday everyone just slut-shames me :(

The process has to start somewhere.

Sometimes a problem is so pervasive and odious that the only way to eradicate it is to drain the swamp completely. Yeah, it sucks for the parties that will be negatively impacted but were not party to the crimes, but if that's part of he cost of tackling rape culture it's a cost we must bear.

Exploding aorta? Well then. This is our little reminder that pregnancy does a number on the body — to be bookmarked next time anti-woman agitators bring up the "risks" of abortion. And to answer your question, yes, that's my takeaway. Was pregnant two times and I hope to not feel as sick again for a long time.

"Wait- why were they hosting her in the first place? Are they related?"