
Chris Cunningham makes the weirdest music videos. Weird in the best way!

It really was terrible. I couldn’t even make it through the whole thing.

I hit 274 so far mostly from rep token rewards. Open every chest!

I went through the mission with each class, and never had a problem either. I did waste maybe 10-15 seconds the first time not realizing there were smaller turbines below the large one at first, but the running between turbines is a basic video game environmental hazard.

Having many many hours in the original Quake games I appreciate that they were going for a retro feel, but compared to modern shooters it just felt cheap and flimsy.

Dylan will only be cool if it spits hot fire!

Oh man, this makes me want to dig out my old RDJ albums. I had Vol 2 on loop in my discman for a long time.

The above videos actually made me more excited for Mr Robot season 2 than the game.

Well, guess I’m deleting the screenshots I took >_>

BF4 launched with a tick of 10hz, and it drove people insane!

Is this going to be like Rez? I’ll totally play it if it is.

I really loved their depiction of the Conan world. The only thing that made me stop playing was the requirement of playing with other people to see all the content.

In addition to what fourthburner mentioned I have a few more tips.

If the BBC’s insistence on lack of diversity means more Idris Elba here in the USA I’ll take it! In all honesty though, I hope things can change for the better. Greater diversity doesn’t just translate to different skin color on screen. By bringing in a more diverse crew in any venture brings in a greater diversity of

I didn’t care for Omikron when I first started playing it due to an overall clunky feel, but I’m really glad I kept going. It is such a weird and interesting experience visually, narratively, and of course audibly.

This just brings back my craving for more Jet Set Radio.

The Garbage Pail Kids!

This movie has a soft spot in my heart having been filmed in my home town. Plus Sarah Silverman getting knocked out. I like her and her comedy, but that was just a funny scene.

Shaun! Shaaauuun! Sha...wait... Is that? Desk Fans! Score!