
I would put Cabin in the Woods lower. Not that I don’t love that movie, but it wouldn’t be nearly as entertaining if I wasn’t already familiar with all the references and tropes.

Not in Texas (>_<) Although my father lives in Dallas, and he is a fan.

This song pops in my head every time I see a Toyota Tundra.

Instead of “We’ve woken the Hive!” they can use

Or the rest of the story. *snap* Burrrrrn!

My favorite I’ve only heard once, so I’m paraphrasing a bit:

Sonya - “The next person that calls me Barbie on gets an axe to the head!”

I highly suggest playing these games in Polish (with English subtitles). It just feels more authentic. Although the voice actor for Hungarian (I think, it has been a while since I played the first 2) was the best.

My second play through of Dark Souls I used the soul duplication glitch to quickly level didn’t make the game any easier haha.

The completionist in me lightened the mood of the game in that I played it as if Alan was a major kleptomaniac. Shadow monsters trying to kill me? No time for that! There’s a thermos over on that log!

D'oh! I stopped reading around issue 98 due to finding it quite boring. Guess I should go back and catch up ha ha.

My fondest stunt from Vice City was an accident as well. I was sitting still on a bullet bike while talking to some friends when I accidentally dropped the controller on the floor. Somehow the bike did a wheelie, drove straight up a light pole, and came to balance on the top. We all just stared dumbfounded at what

I love that scene. Especially since it was filmed right outside a club I used to go to a lot back in my clubbing days.

That group tends to have all sorts of really cool builds. Their Indiana Jones set was really cool.

Was that at the SLC Comic Con?

One thing to know you can use the Icebreaker just for the ammo regen. So if you run out of ammo on Plan C, switch to Icebreaker, wait for it to charge, then switch back to Plan C for a couple mags of ammo!

Check out the CIA's Twitter account. It is pretty good.

It is when you have nothing else to buy with them *plays too much*

As much as I'd love to believe that all gun owners are responsible it is quite evident that they aren't. My point is just because so many people have guns doesn't mean they will be able to use them effectively. If home invasion statistics are any indication a lot of those 100 million will end up shooting themselves or

There may be a gun for every person, but it is only about 3 out of 10 people that own those guns. Out of those 3 how many actually have real military or police training, and can perform under extreme pressure?