
Quantico!! super interested to see how that goes — not in small part because the LEAD is a woman, and not just any woman, a major Indian Bollywood star! (Priyanka Chopra) they sound like they dubbed her voice (maybe she couldn’t do the American accent?) but still rather interesting to see her show up in a primetime

I watched the preview for Quantico and then called my mother to say I’d be joining the FBI. Look how many diverse people there are! Look how many women there are! That show looks badass. Where can I get my badge and my gun?

Another ‘alternative’ - get 50 $1 scratch off lotto tickets, tie them in a ‘bouquet’ and launch them into the crowd. That way EVERYONE will want in on it.

My friends did a cat toss instead—they threw a stuffed cat into the whole assembled crowd and the person to catch it was supposed to be the next person to get a cat.

Okay so an alternative toss would be to gift your bouquet to your (or someone’s) Gramma. The oldest, most lovely woman in attendance, and kind of make a big deal out of it. You can also have the bouquet dried and turned into beads for jewelry so that’s an option.

Can we dispense with the notion that a higher “number” makes one a better lover? I’d be far more interested in someone with a few long-term relationships and thus a lower # than someone with 100 one-night stands. That seems like a no-brainer to me.

Ok, honesty time. I couldn’t tell my partner how many people I’ve slept with because somewhere around my late 20s, I stopped counting. It’s not like it was so many that I couldn’t keep track, it just didn’t seem like important information to hold in my head.

You get that she’s posting those pictures... in protest... of the no-flats policy... which Cannes confirmed.. right?

(This would also be an acceptable look)

coming forward and being like “Hey, this famous person you guys think is so GREAT...she’s lying about her age and she wasn’t EVEN FUNNY” just makes you seem like a small, salty bitch. Like, this is not Talented Mr Ripley levels of deception.

Women, if you’re not in pain, you’re not fancy enough.


When I was in high school, some local, road-side hotel decided to convert their restaurant to a Chinese buffet. They called the high school to see if there were any “Chinese girls who would like a job.” Damn it. I was the only Chinese girl in the school, and actually, yeah, I wanted another job because college was

I’ve worked many years in the industry as an AD and Producer, and my biggest takeaway re: actors is that I could give two shits how nice they are in person, because if they aren’t professional it doesn’t fucking matter. But since these qualities are not mutually exclusive most unprofessional celebrities are also giant

Soooooo, this one time I just started working on a show about a superhero living as a young man living small town life in a small town (*WINK! I know y’all hate that shit*) and it was my job to tell the lead actor when we were ready for him on set. At the time, he was also in prep directing the next episode, so in

Here’s one from a commenter, I’ve become friends with, who’s out of the country so I’m gonna repost on their behalf. This is from a “Tell Us Your Worst Celebrity Story”:

The best celebrity story I have is of a celebrity being a dick to me.

have you seen st. vincent? she plays a serious role of a stressed out single mother. she is really good in it. it’s a 180 from the slapstick comedy she usually does. the movie itself isn’t that great but i was really surprised by her performance.

Did you see her outfit from the Met Gala? Girl is laying waste worldwide.

It’s like she’s a Mucha