
It is not just confusion about symptoms. It is that the signs for a heart attack in men have been promoted longer due to fewer studies with women and the medical community not originally understanding that the signs are different for women.

The problem with the entire situation is that the studies on heart disease were conducted on men. No one knows definitively how symptoms present for women because men were used as the default human for research. Because of this, people (doctors, too) incorrectly learned that heart attack = crushing chest pain and arm

But seriously, "weakness, sweating, or fatigue" is a ludicrously unhelpful constellation of symptoms and a triage nightmare, it could literally be anything.


Come on, The House Bunny is a gem!

She has an amazing voice, she just needs to pick better music, get better writers/producers. Britney was spot on.

I read Mindy Kaling's first book a couple of years ago and there's a chapter where she's dishing on her co-workers from The Office and she said Steve Carell was just the BEST.

Now playing

She does a good impression of Samantha from SATC.

I have a theory about people who become wildly successful/famous on the level that Steve has achieved: their relationship with their past, pre-fame and success, is an either or proposition. Either they embrace it. Or they shed it like a snake sheds its skin, leaving it in the middle of the road, to dry up and blow

I think every clutch should double as an egg carton. It will be so helpful for when I have to look fierce at a hen party.

It's not even "practically" a mandate to get drunk, it is a mandate! The Talmud straight out says you should get drunk enough to not know the difference between Mordechai and Haman (the hero and villain of the Purim story).

In wealthier Modern Orthodox communities, there's a bit of a boom in single-malt scotch

Ugh, some of these employees have so much attitude. If you're unwilling to do things just because they're logically impossible, maybe customer service isn't for you.

Jon Lovitz was also omitted.

People started out clapping but the subject matter of what they spoke about is rather difficult to clap over without looking wildly inappropriate.

I wasn't watching it on the tv, but it seems from this clip that people were just trying to let them speak? Probably also one of those times where people are like 'wait if I clap when he says there are a lot of black men in jail will people think I'm all about mass incarceration of black men?' Like when someone you

I used to work in a premium lounge cinema, and if someone brought chips or MnMs or varies other sweets, we'd offer to put it in a bowl for them. If you said "Just to avoid crinkles in the theatre" you would be able to see the visible relief in their eyes.


Also, according to some media sources, when the Imam told women to step back, hundreds of them went and carried her coffin, and led the funeral prayer themselves.

I would actually love some good fried chicken right now. But my craving has no relationship to it being Black History Month. I just like fried chicken.