
Yeah. What's remarkable is that, even if you take Darren Wilson's own lengthy, messy, inconsistent, at-points-totally-implausible grand jury testimony at absolute face value and think he's 100% telling the truth — like, even if you read Wilson's story and believe that Mike Brown would reach for his waistband multiple

*sips tea*

"Well, maybe I will come to your country then. And eat all of your bread!"

They decided he was not guilty of sexual assault, but he was guilty of sexual misconduct. It was because he knew he'd served me those drinks, four to six double vodka drinks and a beer. The sexual assault board agreed that I was intoxicated past the point of consent—but they also said that he did not intend to cause

I went on a first date last year with a guy who seemed pretty normal and cute. I went to the bathroom during dinner and when I got back he said "Don't worry, I didn't roofie your drink." I gave him the stink eye then promptly called the waitress over and asked for a replacement drink. My date looked at me like I was

Waiter, *angrily*: "Well, maybe I will come to your country then. And eat all of your bread!"

then they should have reported it then — not a generation later

I definitely see where this is coming from. I have a female boss and let me tell you: overeating, sleeping in the middle of the day, getting all weepy after watching puppy videos on youtube...she gets all mad when I do any of them.

Even when you go "full feminist stereotype" and make your life all about your career, you still inevitably feel guilt when your choices conflict with the needs of your partner or your aging parents.

Many of my friends would say I am "dating down". I have a boyfriend who has his MFA and has really no desire to rise through the ranks in a corporate job. I went to school and got my MBA, graduated at the top of my class, and make nearly six figures at 28 years old. My boyfriend JUST got a job after being unemployed

...but did you guys talk about it? Surely, this could all have been avoided.

Single mom here, with a perhaps unpopular opinion. My life is actually easier post-divorce. My ex thought he did enough of the house work and child care, but to him that meant giving the baby a bath maybe once a week, doing the dishes once in a blue moon, and running to the store when we ran out of something. I find

I teach a non-PE class. If a student told me they weren't going to do work for the day I would give them a zero. Not assault them, put a pen in their hand and force their hand onto the page. Because that's fucking insane.

The girl's motivation is irrelevant. Regardless of the reason she didn't want to participate, the teacher was completely in the wrong and I don't think a suspension is a strong enough punishment. The appropriate reaction from the teacher was giving her a 0 for the day. Giving her a period of detention might possibly

Just wanted to tell you I am watching these exchanges with my eyes askew. You named a dealbreaker and people are arguing with you about it because they are twisting it to apply to their own unique situations and taking it personally. It's clear what you mean. Don't try to hard to satisfy all these special snowflakes;

I don't know why everyone is piling on about this, and all the responses seem to be misunderstanding your use of "completely dependent." Because I know exactly what you mean.

I feel like a strong emotional involvement with a parent is okay — but a person needs to demonstrate that they are an independent functional unit. I am heavily involved with my parents but I also maintain my own household, cook and clean, pay my own bills, manage debt, etc. A person entirely dependent on the finances

He and Willow can create a book club where you only read books you've written, and you don't discuss them because you don't care about books written by each other.

Rabid homosexual activists