I believe the state of a substance that exhibits states of both liquid and gas is called hypercritical.
I believe the state of a substance that exhibits states of both liquid and gas is called hypercritical.
I need a garlic press. I use it almost daily.
Why are they called essential oils? What are they essential to? I've never heard of someone dying from a lemongrass oil deficiency.
Do you ride off on the bikes or throw them in the bed of a truck or something of that nature?
Nevermind, I realized that my account is now linked to twitter and I wasn't supposed to sign in to my old account. I'm a tard. Thanks.
Once Giz switched over to the new commenting system I haven't been able to log-on. It's a shame because I'm a starred commenter on giz. I am still able to log in and out and back in on LH though.
1 gram of fiber, which is a carb, is different than 1 gram of sugar, also a carb. Same goes for the others. Your statement is an oversimplification of macro nutrients.
Why are unducted fans more efficient than turbofans? I know the unducted fans were greatly researched in the 70's to increase efficiency (and it was more efficient than standard jet turbine engines) but ultimately turbofans were the choice of airliner engineers.
Sounds great but does it have a 2pac hologram generator?
I am not in the business but my knowledge was that ground control personnel are located in towers at airports and ATC personnel are in regional hubs in somewhat normal looking FAA buildings.
Have you ever heard the story about The Woman Who Swallowed The Fly? That is what you are starting here.
Interesting, I didn't know there was a sea separating the US and Canada.
I think people also forget that there is so much more to communicating than saying words. There is subtle tones and nuances that we use to convey a message. Sarcasm is one, most people can pick up on your tone when you are being sarcastic and sarcasm itself means to communicate the opposite of what you are actually…
Losing a sense is different than never having one. This guy learned English through written words and signs. Growing up his brain did not associate the written words with sound, very different than what you are doing right now reading this reply. If you lost your hearing today you would still know how to say a word…
Believe it or not the older ships were infinitely more environmentally safe. Many were coal fired steam ships. Coal does not leak and float and disperse, steel and wood (which many were made of) are no issue in the marine environment. There may have been some lubricating grease and oil but even those weren't all…
I have a feeling I may get flamed but sometimes automatics are a better choice in certain circumstances. The company I work for owns a fleet of light-duty trucks. They haul heavy loads most of the time, whether towing or payload. The automatics outperformed manuals in longevity hands down. Today's auto's can last over…
The problem with your rhetoric is that with something called fiber it makes it nearly impossible to consume that much calories(of green beans/oranges). It is easy to eat 500 calories worth of Ice Cream it is hard to eat 500 calories worth of green beans.
Ahh, The E type, the pinnacle of small penis cars.
A foamy vag looks like rabies of the crotch.
Mario, isn't it racist to assume he was talking about black people only? He stated "urban youth" and that could be any race White, Black, Hispanic. I agree his statements are stupid, but being a somewhat journalistic writer I'm glad that you have never said anything stupid or what someone might deem racist. Then you…