
Ahh Drifting, the figure skating of cars.

Can you edit camera Raw with theses? I’m too lazy to google and I’d like to know how y’all are doing it if so.

Can you edit camera Raw with theses? I’m too lazy to google and I’d like to know how y’all are doing it if so.

Not quite, fuel oils (diesel, kerosene, JP-8) yes but the spec book on the multi-fuel variant required you add oil to gasoline in specific quantities.

The problem I have with beam wipers is that at the end of the stroke when they return the vacuum created sucks the water back over the windshield. Maybe it’s just my application.

The problem I have with beam wipers is that at the end of the stroke when they return the vacuum created sucks the

Induction is better than natural gas, pffft. Next you’re going to tell me AAC is better than Vinyl records.

What about a Prime Subscription. Wouldn’t sunk cost fallacy play into this?

Wow, your car sounds very classy and tasteful.

Yeah, I can tell you that this is as effective as unicorn jizz at repelling mosquitos

I have a feeling that it might be to induce some scarcity into the market.

Because you can't just go to a filling station and top off a battery.

I thought they were Saab jets.

Containerization has revolutionized shipping so that it is now cheap and profitable. The fact is that increases in efficiency and utilization help everybody that use airplanes not just the airlines.

I'd imagine a concealed weapons permit could work too. It is state issued.

Love it! The guy incessantly ranting about airplane seats on LH is telling me to get a life. My day is better now 😂.

After reading so many of women's tinder profiles with minimum height requirements I have no sympathy for you. Life is not fair, suck it up.

If you are learning basic social contexts from an LH post you need to seek help.

If it is a production engine they are likely running a high rate of EGR to keep pollutants down. By force feeding the engine its own waste they are reducing the available O2 in the combustion chamber lowering combustion temperature at high boost. IMO increasing longevity also by lowering those valve sintering temps.

The frontier is on the large end of mid-size. Everyone thinks I drive a Titan. That being said an ecoboost in a Frontier would probably be very hoonable.

Yes the bikes are better performing more reliable and are more affordable but the 70’s was probably a better time to be a new rider. It was the Age of Enlightenment in the motorcycle world. Japan was turning traditional production and quality on its head and there was quite a range of options, albeit affordable too. I

I attempted inbox for a short period of time and I couldn't get into it. I have really enjoyed Mailbox though. I just swipe through everything now.