So a few years ago I bought a copy of Photoshop CS 4. Great right? Well anyway I had an issue with my HDD and I had to format and start over. The problem was that I bought a download version of CS 4 and I don't think I have a backup. I do have a product key proving that I own a legit copy of the app though. I could…
That's because we spend our money on infrastructure. The Burj Kalafia, for example, has no sewage infrastructure running from the building to the (over capacity) treatment plant. That would not be allowed in the US and for good reason. Many sewage truck drivers there are pulling over and dumping it on the side of the…
Getting to their nipples is the hard part.
Many times hardness must be added to the water supply because of steel water pipes. If your utility company has any steel infrastructure (more than likely yes) pure water would corrode the pipes very rapidly due to an ionic reaction. Pure water robs steel of iron at the molecular level.
Never done that, I will try though. Sounds like a British dish.
Yeah, they have one here in Pompano (Ft. Lauderdale) and I see it heading up the coast all the time for events. Daytona Speedway and whatnot.
I'm sorry but fish sauce is delicious.
Canola was originally both a marketing term and a cultivar of Brassica juncea. It now just refers to any low erucic acid rapeseed (brassica species) oil. My point was that the plant itself is not commonly referred to as Canola, Canola is the oil made from the seeds. The plant is commonly referred to (at least in North…
The plant is called Rapeseed, Canola is somewhat of a marketing term (also the name of the cultivar) meaning Canada Oil Low Acid. I have a mango tree I'm not going to tell you I have a Po Pyu Kalay tree. My point is that is a field of rapeseed not Canola.
I'm glad you put a proper twin-scroll in there.
In the late 70's and early 80's the US government put fuel economy standards on cars. The station wagon and large cars were no longer "efficient" enough. But the market demands these large vehicles so consumers and manufacturers moved to making nicer SUV's and Trucks that were less restricted/exempt from the fuel…
Agreed, but text gets hard to read on even a 37". I was assuming you were going to a much larger screen than your current monitor.
If your doing a lot of reading/web surfing the pixel density isn't there on a 1080. If your using it for gaming and media you will be fine.
That's why I usually cut juice 50/50 with Vodka.
For half the price these are pretty solid. Good volume and decent sound and long battery life.
Absolutely, if campaign contributions are "freedom of speech" why isn't Payola.
Just about to say the same thing, I think the only difference is that OTA radio is governed by the FCC and internet radio is not. It's similar to OTA network television having rules that cable channels don't.