And the Blow counteracts all the calories in the lime.
And the Blow counteracts all the calories in the lime.
Um, Realtor's do not make money off the mortgage, just the sale of the real property ie. house, vacant land, condo.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the fact that cable ISP's share the bandwidth with the last mile of copper make this completely dependent on how much bandwidth your neighbors are using. Comcast in my area already has poor HD video quality. Especilly when a lot of users are on the same signal like while watching the…
Mechanic may have forgot to replace a grounding strap, or it may just have coincidentally broken near the same time. Its an easy fix though. The negative terminal on your battery usually connects somewhere on the engine block (sometimes the frame). From there a grounding strap usually connects to your body somewhere…
Asus received the least hardware malfunctions according to a Giz article I read a while back. I'm too lazy to look it up though.
That's not an iPhone, its an iPod touch. Wink. Wink.
I recently bought an Airport Express (AE) with the express intention of using Airplay/Airtunes from my MBP or 3GS. I set it up and it connects to my network through a Linksys WRT110 router. Here is where the problem lies, my MBP will recognize it in iTunes but will not connect. All I get is a status bar and a timeout.…
Businesses do use this to sell to you.
Some apple cider vinegar and water makes a good natural antibacterial mouthwash also, if you can handle it.
I work in the Construction Industry the amazing part is that OSHA requires engineering when going above 140' tall. Yes, that's right you or I could just go rent some scaffolding and put it up on a 10 story building.
"First Hybrid Power Plant Will Combine Solar, Wind and Natural Gas"
And you think the millions 48-65 aged US citizens who are preparing to sit on their asses and collect social security don't have anything to do with the reasons we are losing the war? It's not the 18-36 Americans who ran up the countries credit to $13+ trillion.
Am I the only one who doesn't hate the Juke? I mean I do hate this body kit, but so many hate the Juke. A 4-cyl GTDI in something that gets decent fuel mileage and I'm not peering into the wheel well of a P/U going down the road. Say what you want about the styling but it is not beige. Hell slap a six speed gearbox in…
Well maybe there should be a homeless hunting season so there population doesn't get out of control.
Who is reserving anything at Olive Garden?
Actually it's called weed.
Here is a little diet tip to not only lose weight but feel better also. Eat more fiber and protein, eat less sugar and fat.
Lactose is a sugar. Pretty much anything with the suffix ose is sugar. Fructose, sucrose, glucose, lactose, ect.
That proves even more that Apple doesn't care that people are Jailbreaking.
I am beginning to think that this Jailbreak thing may be silently endorsed by Apple. A new exploit is found within hours of the beta release. The JB community is their farm team for OS developers after all. Look at that guy they just hired to redo the notifications.