
How did this sink the ship?

I live in West Palm Beach (common folk), but I work for a contractor that does a lot of work for the wealthy homeowners of Palm Beach Island. I would not be surprised if the person building this theater will be in town for only two weeks out of the year.


Sell by date usually means you have a week or two to eat before going bad. Use by date on the other hand means you only have a few days before it starts going really bad.

Mold is a fungus not a plant, "like any other plant." Actually mold is the opposite of a plant in that it, like animals, cannot produce its own food. Mold/Fungus is a consumer for all you young biology students.

My state does not have an income tax. How would I go about claiming things I bought on the internet when there is no need to file?

They go by euros in France.

Wow, those jets have a 300 Kiloton payload?

"isn't it about time Airport Extreme supported AirPlay?"

Ahh, the under steer of a FWD with the efficiency of a RWD. Not to mention the engine bay accessibility of a van.

Boiling water does not remove impurities. Distilling does because by boiling water and cooling the steam all the impurities are left in the original pot.

It's only a little racist because we're talking about white people.

Don't forget "domestication" or forced breeding. A slave purchaser wanted, and would pay the most for a strong muscular slave. So the slave "breeder" would select two slaves that would have the tallest, strongest offspring. This happened for a few hundred years and is most likely what made good athletes.

Doesn't this guy know if we keep talking about it we can't pretend it never happened?

Why all the clamoring about mostly southern cities getting the LTE networks first. After all Cingular (Bellsouth Mobility) bought out ATT wireless and acquired the name.

My favorite past time is clubbing baby seals while playing angry birds on my iPhone.

The problem with LTE (and any wireless transmission) is latency. This would make gaming horrible, essentially whoever has the fastest response time has an advantage. Also, wired connections will be getting faster and are cheaper than using wireless data.

Wasn't this a problem in that movie Roadhouse?

Currency is electronic now also, so just because there is only 100 trillion worth of paper currency in circulation doesn't mean there is not more.