
There is a major variable in this whole equation. The value of the US dollar. If there is a run on the dollar the price of crude will be much lower if there is further "quantitative easing" or devaluation of the dollar the price of crude will go up. This fact will be pretty proportional, the turmoil in the middle east

I assume the carrier will expect me to pay for the data that comes in OTA.

Hey you! Tape that beard hair to my scalp!

I disagree, our average size has to do with more emigration from south america. I am speaking of, in my original post, a calamity that would force people out of the gene pool. Although I'm not disagreeing with the fact that we eat bad.

Although I generally agree with you such instances of rapid speciation is possible in todays day with some circumstances. Say an environmental catastrophe causes a collapse in grain production and a world wide famine sets in. The people who can survive the longest without food and/or can figure out a way to get food

One day we will say this about Detroit.

What about harvesting the vibrations from a politicians mouth? The amount of power could be limitless.

Um, a little document called the constitution says they are legal everywhere in the US.

Agreed, not to mention local dimming makes dark scenes darker and bright scenes brighter. My $450 42" 720p plasma looks way better than a $1500 1080 LED LCD. Yes its heavier and thicker but I don't carry my TV's around that much.

Its only brilliant if you don't really want to feel anything.

Didn't some British dudes figure out if you leave your balls in hot water for half an hour your pretty much sterile for a few hours?

Are you free Saturday night?

IMO large LCD's look like crap. Go with a plasma unless your using it as a giant monitor and burn-in is not nearly the problem it used to be.

Haha, you said mouthfeel.

Scion is seen as an economy with style brand. So this should be considerably less expensive than the Z which is actually selling for around 40k. All of Scions current line-up is in the 20's or less and I expect this will be fully loaded in the low 30's.

Fuel efficiency is not their least concern. If a race car burns less fuel you have to carry less fuel (weight) and head into the pits less often. The least concern with racing is expense and longevity so long as it lasts through a race/season.

Thats what Hitler said to the Jews at first.

Yes but my point is that a N/A V8 and a turbo V6 towing are both going to consume more fuel than if your below WOT. I'm really not sure of the point you are trying to make in your original post. My point is that a V6 with a turbo can scale back when there is a low load situation consuming less fuel than a V8 at the