
In 1965 the Corvair Monza Spyder and Corsica had an optional turbo. So Americans had access and knew about Turbos for 14 years by that point.


Yeah and how can this thing tell the ethnicity of the fetus? The picture shows a white mother and a white fetus. I think this function would help help some men, who are not the father, check out before their name gets on the birth certificate. But it would also derail some great Maurry Povitch episodes too.

It's like hooking a tuner up to your car and modifying the firmware, then giving away your fuel mapping and chevron sues you because your car burns half the fuel it should. The problem is that Sony has a monopoly on PSN, they are the real criminals. I should have a selection of service providers for my on-line game

No, that's an omrette pan.

Can't you just charge Asians more for an iPad. My insurance company does the same thing to me because of my demographic. I see it as free trade, if Asians will pay more than they should.

They said Asians not Mexicans.

I've seen it Kadaffi also.

I saw the end, and yes it was abysmal.

and its spelled cough!

Why does every British talk show have the audience all around them?

And you've already been taxed to watch it.

Wow, so when people say "it's gonna be a hot summer" in South Florida I can say "yeah, it's been that way for the last (at least) 60 years asshole."

Tmobile is marketing HSPA+ as 4G.

I'm pulling 3.41 Mbps down and .28 Mbps up with 335ms of ping in West Palm Beach on ATT on a 3GS. I saw some tower work recently and I'm pretty sure they upgraded most of the area to HSPA+.

Won't look like a douche? you forgot the #sarcastic tag.

Tracking.... Tracking....Tracking...

Ok... I have to ask... Do they walk around with those dust masks or are they given them immediately upon the ground shaking or do they drop from the ceilings like on planes? Whats the deal?

They are used to earthquakes.

Apparently you weren't user friendly enough for her either.