
“Coastal elites”
Who is going to tell him that being from North Carolina also makes him “coastal”.

He’s not a real cop, so they’ll throw him under the buss.

At least one of the persons Melzer was actually talking to was a confidential informant working with investigators from the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force and the Army.

To be honest, though, it IS progress that he was suspended without pay immediately. Before, he would have likely been only assigned to desk duty or suspended *with* pay.

As watchers, we will all see the show through our own personal filters. I can see how some might think copaganda. I hope you get a chance to watch it in its entirety, if for no more reason than to soak up Regina King and Yahya Mateen’s amazing work. Peace...

that’s a good idea.  We need more nurses and less police at this point.

In fact, if the monitoring could be used to track down the boogaloo folks that have been committing acts of violence in order to discredit the protests, that’d be a positive.

These things are what the government has been doing as long as I have been alive but they generally do it to the wrong people, like activists and advocates for justice and equality. They are doing it right now.

Biden clearing the non-existent bar set by Republicans isn’t going to be nearly enough to stave off disaster.

Using republicans as a metric is why things continue to worsen. 

Capitalism has outlived its usefulness.

You want to drive a GOPer nuts?

When boycotting a powerful corporation is 'bullying' I'll eat my own ass.  Good grief.

“Peformative Pandering” Thank you, this is exactly the description I was having a hard time coming up with!

But seriously, we can do without the distractions of this performative pandering.

I was at the protest in my city on Friday night. At one point, the police all left. The helicopter stayed up, but literally not a police car or officer in sight. Guess what happened? There was a couple minutes of chants, then someone put “This Is How We Do It” on over the PA system and a dance party broke

“Bodycams need to be mandatory.”

Cops right now are making the best case for abolishing police departments.

The Democratic Party!

Well, AOC just endorsed his opponent in the primary, so will be interesting to see if that translates to actual votes.