You know much about Peter Thiel?
You know much about Peter Thiel?
Gosh you have terrible taste in politicians. Wouldn’t be surprised to learn you own a “Cuomo-sexual” t-shirt, donated to the Lincoln Project and forgive George Bush’s war crimes because he criticized Trump.
Scumbag is SO guilty. Hope his victims get at least some modicum of justice.
Curious to know how corporate farming fits into the equation. I’m guessing black farmers are particularly vulnerable to being screwed over ag corps being evil but are some doing worse shit than others? Did Bill Gates buy all that farmland recently by ripping off black farmers somehow? Do other non-white farmers face…
Right so if that’s the BEST thing about this story what do you suppose I think of the rest of it? I’m not at all mad at Kemper but I do think people should read more about the Veiled Prophet than what’s on Wikipedia.
You mean people like the Veiled Prophet society? The best thing about covering this story is that it draws attention to organizations like that and helps people understand more about our enemies
You’re missing the part where you do some independent research into the Veiled Prophet society prompted by this article. The most important thing about Ellie Kemper’s involvement with them is that her fame might be used to make the public better-educated about the reality of power elites and secret societies.
Calling yourself “communist” doesn’t make you communist any more than calling yourself the “Democratic Republic of ____” makes you a democracy. A genuinely communist government would have high levels of democratic participation and engagement with most government functions being locally controlled. Cuba's recent pivot…
While it will feel good to see all three of them wind up in prison, I’d much rather abolish prisons (and police) even if it meant these scumbags go unpunished
She didn't know when to quit though :(
Hamas started firing those rockets AFTER Israel committed dozens of war crimes. Quit being such a brainwashed fascist.
It is not anti-Semitic to oppose to fascism - not even if the fascists are Jewish.
It would really be amazing to see Jewish celebrities speaking out against Israel’s apartheid policies and war crimes. Adam Sandler? Larry David? Are you guys in favor of ethnic cleansing as long as its your people doing it instead of being subjected to it?
Somebody should make an augmented-reality version of this game where you can skate across whatever you point your camera at.
It’s not at all unreasonable to presume that all rich people are inclined towards sexual perversion and predatory behavior. Think about what all that privilege and luxury does to a person’s sense of norms (and how different they are from all the not-wealthy people). Maybe they’re not all literally pedophiles but its…
Tiffany Caban wouldn't have let this scumbag off.
Eh, I expect they’ll structure it such that the black women who actually benefit from this will mostly be those who, among black women, are aactually least in need of help.
You think Bernie’s influence is limited to the halls of Congress?
Rich people typically create and exacerbate humanitarian crises - the idea that they alleviate them is a PR scam. And the notion that rich people investing in science is a good thing is ridiculous: the best, most important scientific research is overwhelmingly done with federally-funding. Name any exceptions you can…
I was told to smile more by a female superior at a job but it made sense because I was working in entertainment hospitality. Her exact words were, "You have a nice face when you smile, you need to show that to the customer." I'm a dude