
It’s not at all unreasonable to presume that all rich people are inclined towards sexual perversion and predatory behavior. Think about what all that privilege and luxury does to a person’s sense of norms (and how different they are from all the not-wealthy people). Maybe they’re not all literally pedophiles but its

Its actually the weirdness of such nerds that first made me aware of Elon Musk and thinking he might be a bit of a con artist

Is that really the most important thing Glenn Greenwald has done?

If this leads to people getting killed, I would prefer it be actual cops rather than informants

Why not just get rid of police departments altogether? Its not like they ever do anything good. Think back to any time you felt like you needed the cops' help - chances are they didn't actually solve your problem or do anything to make things better for you. 

I think you're talking about "police abolition" which I think is a far better goal than just defunding them

It ain’t just those cops. Its police in general; y’all are scummy, jack-booted thugs because y’all work for institutions designed to create scummy jack-booted thugs. Good on you for quitting though.

That idea of exponentially-advancing scientific progress sounds a bit like baby-brain nonsense. It costs a LOT on resources to do scientific research and many of those resources are in such short supply that it doesn't even matter how much money you have. Also, there's no predictable relationship between how much work

Tiffany Caban wouldn't have let this scumbag off. 

Sounds kinda fascist of you to say that. What should be done with people who are "broke straight out the factory"? Maybe we could put them all in camps or something?

THAT is exactly what we should be asking in situations like this. Wish I could give you more stars

The courts exist to serve the interests of the upper class. Don't ever expect them to rule in your favor unless you're rich.

Nice strawman, bootlicker.

Huh? Why is it inappropriate to write about how the tornado and warehouse closure might impact the union drive?

Eh, I expect they’ll structure it such that the black women who actually benefit from this will mostly be those who, among black women, are aactually least in need of help.

You think Bernie’s influence is limited to the halls of Congress? 

Rich people typically create and exacerbate humanitarian crises - the idea that they alleviate them is a PR scam. And the notion that rich people investing in science is a good thing is ridiculous: the best, most important scientific research is overwhelmingly done with federally-funding. Name any exceptions you can

Super cool to see this article today after having gone to my local Amazon warehouse today to hand out flyers about the benefits of unionizing!

That assertion you’re making is not contradicted by the Trump administration’s foreign policy decisions on matters directly impacting Russian interests.

I was told to smile more by a female superior at a job but it made sense because I was working in entertainment hospitality. Her exact words were, "You have a nice face when you smile, you need to show that to the customer." I'm a dude