
It’s almost as if another major super power wanted Trump to create this chaos and Trump was beholden to the leader of that other super power.

“But you said you wanted bipartisanship!”

Once in third grade, my father off-handedly mentioned that under the Constitution, we didn’t actually have to stand up and do the Pledge of Allegiance. So me being the third grade dink that I was, the next day I stayed seated for the Pledge at my local private school, and was promptly sent to the pastor and the

No, they are separate companies - and the president should know what the fuck he is talking and making official public statements about.

I don’t think it’s pedantic. When you say “Google”, you imply that its reputation and, more importantly, its resources are being used for this project. Little is publicly known about Verily at least up until today. I’m sure this is an important project for them but when they say that “over time” this will be rolled

All day long they’re yelling

I’m a simple man, with simple wants: a modern-day “X-Wing/TIE Fighter” game, preferably with Lawrence Holland back on board. At the very least, remaster or remake the two original games.

Because logically speaking, nothing you could do would ever make Franklin Richards “safe.” He can bend reality. Even at his diminished state, there’s no reason to imagine that a stray zap of his power now couldn’t produce a singularity that wipes him and the planet out. Further, he is interrupted literally pulling the

You respect what the heinously racist, ableist fascist is doing? And I hate to tell you, the descriptions she was using weren’t what you’d call “neutral.”

You respect that she is a racist? Wow... ok.

Thanks for making it clear to us you are a racist hate monger.


Apple Maps thought my house was located under the sea. Apparently every time I go for a jog I became Jesus.

Isn’t every picture of him a dick pic?

Shit, I would put more of that statement behind people like fucking Richard Pryor than anyone.

The thumbnail image for the video reminds me of this...

This was the largest aspect ratio Disney could afford. Should they, therefore, be made the subject of fun?

The gag with tall guy in the little car picking up Nelson by his head isn’t going to make a bit of sense now.

i watched the offending video out of curiosity, dont know or care too much about fortnite and just wasting time during a render, BUT watching the video and his pure joy in cheating and getting kills contrasts BEAUTIFULLY to his tears about the punishment. his ban is deserved, cheating is one thing, but making