
No way this guy’s almost six feet of pure muscle bulk and only weighs 150 lb...

they can really only make a movie so long.<< So true. This is why I started getting worried half way through TFA, and I ultimately left the theater troubled with what I saw.

While I’d definitely agree that they put their foot, and whole leg, fully in their mouth with the whole situation this particular ban is pretty much a required one. If they didn’t run this particular ban, people would (and were!) call out favoritism towards certain groups (non-HKers) for making political messages on

His response was measured, rational, and reasonable. I would encourage everyone to read his full post on Medium, as it’s what all discourse on complicated, emotional topics should aspire to be. He talks about facts without hyperbole and feelings without getting personal or attacking.

He also pointed out that he has enough options to do this, (He’d only been on one week of grandmasters this season anyway, as a fill-in) and that folks shouldn’t pile on other casters that don’t make the same decision, because not everyone has as many options.

Are you joking? You seriously have not seen the people who have rationalized his illegal statements (SEC fines), unhinged Twitter rants (pedophilia claims about the aforementioned diver), and toxic work environment (see any number of articles about his abusive behavior and unsafe work environment along with

So Musk 1.) made unfounded allegations, apropos of nothing, that this hero was a pedophile, 2.) doubled down by daring said hero to sue for libel, which he now has, 3.) paid $50,000 to an unvetted “investigator,” who solicited via email, to prove allegations he already knew were spurious, and Musk triggered all this

“Sorry, its still shit surrounded by some expensive dental work." LMAO

Getting reallllllly tired of people who equate ‘money = being able to say shit and always be right.’

Yes, but I will say Steve jobs was at least Grand Master level at bullshitting. Elon Musk is more mid rank at it.

Isn’t this also exactly Steve Jobs’ bio?  

People think this guy is a genius because he “came up” with the ideas of “what if cars had batteries” and “space is cool”. He doesn’t do anything but fund actual smart people in these endeavors. What he, and other people like him, are actually good at is manipulation. He manipulates his employees into believing he’s

So basically he’s just like every other psychopathic billionaire, got it.

“that man said my idea was stupid and i should shove it up my ass...well, lets see how he likes me destroying his life”. That’s an entirely proportional response!

He seems so unhinged. It’s not normal to want to try to ruin someone’s life because they said something you didn't like. 

Have the Musk apologists come out in force yet or am I too early to see whatever mental gymnastics offer up? I do so love a clown show... If this doesn’t burst the bubble of the people who revere him as some God-Emperor, I’m not sure what will. What really gets me is that his idea was nothing more than a fancy,

Why was he “investigating” the guy in the first place? Fucking thin-skinned insecure little weirdo; for anyone with even a shred of dignity, Unworth’s remark would’ve rolled off like water off a duck’s back. And sure, Thailand is supposedly the world capital of pedo sex tourism; by the same token, 70s and 80s South

I mean, you basically dared the guy to sue you by implying he must be a pedo if he doesn’t. Not to mention calling someone a “pedo guy” over a mildly rude statement, at best.

If some doucheknuckle says “IT’S TESLA’S FAULT” does that stall your investigation somehow?

I mean, if your vehicle hits something while you’re using that feature, I’m going to hold you accountable.