
They didn’t mean to use that language, and they know that it was inappropriate for them to say in a court filing, or ever. It was just A Heated Gamer Moment, and they’re asking for your forgiveness.

While I can’t say this is $44B worth of entertainment, I’m absolutely having a blast watching a narcissistic billionaire do his best “Sideshow Bob walking onto every rake” impression while taking something like the blue checkmarks, the solution to a verification problem, and turning it into the problem it was designed

And then, when they finally put in a ticket it’s missing like half the required information. 

‘not the toxicity that inhales so much oxygen out of the room’

I’ve not even a Halo speedrun follower but I was aware of LASO (or whatever they called it prior to MCC) being a thing for a long time. Jervalin did this run on the OG Halo 2 on Xbox. He was one of the few guys attempting this who prefers to do it on Xbox > MCC. He has his reasons and I guess it worked out. But this

Hey, it’s not just a pyramid scheme. It’s a pyramid scheme mixed with money laundering. Grunckle Stan would be proud.

I was going to say they crossed the line so far they disappeared over the event horizon, but your description is much more accurate.

Guys...I don’t want to cause a panic here, but I’m *starting* to think gaming has a male toxicity problem...

This was a roller coaster of insanity. Cept like the Pisscoin it only kept increasing in crazy. I enjoyed reading this article knowing you didnt believe any of it..

A little education (I actually had to look this up):

Yeah. Much like the ones who committed treason are now preaching “civility” I find it kind of laughable that people who not only believe in magic sky friends who help them win football games put out crap like this then get upset when we mock them about it.

WHAT? A grifter in the party of grifters using her “prestige” to grift gullible morons? Comparing herself to a biblical character and claiming god is with her (You know, blasphemy; Republicans LOVE putting words in God’s mouth)? Someone has a BINGO on their card from this one person.

As a godless lefty who is getting pretty tired of this religion shit I have but one sentiment to express:

A real quick catch-up for anyone who feels behind on this:

Even as just a blog they should care more about what they write (and I’m talking about the individual writers, not the overall whoever runs this place.) I care more about the correct grammar and spelling of my Facebook posts than most of the writers on these sites care about the same in their articles. It makes me

Oh thank gods it wasn’t just me.

Wait, doesn’t Teams require a subscription? So even if it’s bundled, you still have to buy it. Add to that, MS sells standalone office (not O365). So you 100% can buy it without Teams bundled.

2020, I fucking hate you so much.

Man, this sucks. In my opinion, Grant was the nerd I want to be, taking and spreading joy in everything he did. 

Mythbusters probably came on TV too late to change what I do, but Grant certainly made me want to create contraptions. Incredibly unfair that he’ll never make anything again.  His passion probably helped fuel thousands of kid’s passion for it too.