This is like complaining about WoW completely changing a class after 6+ years then complaing because the game changed.
This is like complaining about WoW completely changing a class after 6+ years then complaing because the game changed.
And all my friends mocked me when I refused to buy D2 saying it’d be a total cluster ****. So glad I didn’t buy in to this, was burned out by D1 and pissed about the PC release being a month after console.
He did, thats why he is apologising.
Overwatch the game, is great. I am not a fan of most of the players in comp play, they tend to care too much about a game. So I tend to spend most of my time playing in the arcade modes which have less issues. Mystery Heros is becoming a favorite because it forces you to learn how to play every Hero in the game to…
I just play Mystery Heros now because of this.
Really? I’d personally say if he names names he gets to be in solitary where he is mostly protected from other inmates and if he doesn’t he gets a nice cell with people who really dislike child abusers.
I think he’d prefer Mr. Monk from you.
Compared to how things have been in that particular industry, this has all been a drop in the bucket. So no, it is not getting enough coverage as I am sure there are still many people who have not come forward. And reactions like yours are likely why. There is no good time or place to have this kind of discussion…
Still my favorite game of all time. To me the Assassin stuff was the side quest, piracy was the heart of the game.
To this day in WoW if I ever reactivate my account I will not get rid of my Zod’s Repeating Long-bow collection. I know I can’t use them anymore, and having more than one was always silly (everyone in our group had it at one point even the priests and paladins). On the other hand I had maxed my bow skill, and used…
Honestly the biggest problem I have with Doomfist is being hacked by Sombra. You basically can use the normale V melee attack (PC user not sure what consoles use) or your 4 shotgun shots and thats it. so you basically remove the player from being useful at all in any sort of way.
Not sure why Activision would have anything to do with anything. They are just the publisher, and have nothing to do with development on this title. Now, if you want to fire shots at Activision lets have it be about not letting Toys for Bob do another Star Control game and keeping them stuck at only doing Skylanders.
Yep, for me its Food, water, and air. I honestly feel like my life would end if I couldn’t have access to these on a regular basis.
As a normal everyday white person, shut the fuck up. Frankly my grandfather didn’t spend WWII killing Nazis so they could invade this country while no one seemed to pay attention. Their ideas are sick and their morals twisted, and people defending them are just as bad. And no, I am not offended by the deluge of…
This is exactly why I have not bought D2 yet. I was going to buy it for PC, but that release was delayed for over a month after the consoles (which always pisses me off) and heard so much negative that I just gave up on it.
He was promoting the cheating software on his youtube as a creator of it. Not 100% sure if he actually did. But Epic filed a DMCA takedown of the video.
I’m not making it out to be anything, and I am very aware that the constitutional law basically changes depending on the makeup of SCOUS. I am stating a cased based on the spirit in which the 1st amendment was likely written and not how some people will choose to pervert it.
Which is not hard since most teams were not really caring about it until POTUS started to tweet about it, as far as going after the government.
yes, but an officer of the government like say POTUS pressuring said private institutions in to silencing people is.