
I am basically boycotting the game, not going to buy it, cancelled my pre-order. Done with EA’s bs, and their bandaid to fix it was more or less too little too late.

You forgot the second half of this. Some characters keep their ults after being stunned. Soldier 76, Bastion, Winston, and FUCKING Genji keep their ults after being stunned. They lose time, but they can just keep going, as oppose to everyone else who gets nothing.

you still can, as long as the tire is already in motion, I was doing so last night and still got a quad kill. It goes away though if you just start your ult and die before the tire leaves.

I am fine with loot boxes that are purely cosmetic anything that is more than that is just a greedy ass company. Case in point Overwatch uses loot boxes for different skins, and sure some look way cooler than others, none change gameplay it is just how someone looks or lines they say.

Just never say that on the toilet, then you’ll have a serious problem.

Or in the case of World of Warcraft, man I had to let my account expire for 3 months because of employment issues. Now to continue doing things with my friends I have to buy 5 wow tokens at $15 each, sell them for gold and buy gear or else I will be bored and alone. This is why I have lost interest in WoW over the

Ouch, that is rough, sorry to hear that.

Years ago, a friend of mine defined sports as anything you can watch on ESPN. By that logic, esports are as they have been covered and so is Magic: The Gathering as ESPN for years covered the world finals.

Waitstaff takes your order and brings you the food when it’s ready, but there’s a time between those two things where they don’t have any control over your meal, says forgetful burner the third (GDI):

I’d wager money we’ll see it tried. If her Ult heal is almost as good as Zen’s Ult and the damage stays where it is this is a solid pick.

If we ever do get WotLK for classic servers I will play that, and I will do what I did back in the day, hard hit cap, hard crit cap Titan’s Grip Fury Warrior. Pain in the ass to get to 27.5% hit and 26% crit (getting hit cap dramatically lowers crit cap) but you never miss and every hit crits.

Basically, yes once they did that stupid move and made them able to buy other content that fucked over anyone who has to work for a living more than 40 hours a week. I am on call 24/7, I put in between 60 and 80 hours every week. I used to love the game and would gladly pay to play it, but since Cata I just cannot

No, Druid is still lame now.

WotLK was the best and most fun time I had in WoW, and honestly I just stopped playing when it was over. I would get the new expansion, hit the level cap, realize I hated how the game was now and quit.

Had that the other day in Overwatch where a Widowmaker was using a aimbot, the other team would not interfere with us killing it over and over again, even to the point of walking away to let us get the kill. I think it only happened because they were bragging about using the bot on team chat though.

It ends when the Genji is not only getting the healing he needs but is on the damn payload/objective.

Think of it like Numbani or King’s Row, where you have to capture the payload first (Assult the point), then escort it.

I have to say, I’m with Roadhog on this one, “Violence is usually the answer.” I just prefer it happen in the game in the form of everyone shooting the shit out of them instead of smacking them in real life.

Is it bad that I just read that as Pavel Chekov from Star Trek. In my head I totally heard “Legendary Wezzel” and I have no idea why.

Again, never once have I seen that, which is just weird.