Extracted: A person gets trapped in the mind of a murderer. Sounds awfully familiar....
Extracted: A person gets trapped in the mind of a murderer. Sounds awfully familiar....
Clearly Photoshopped.
All I'm saying is Dr. Strange would be a great way to reboot the Blade franchise...perhaps a post credit stinger featuring our favorite Daywalker? Think about it, Marvel!!!
In the deleted scenes from (and extended version of) the first film, Michael mentions having moved to Prague after the death of his girlfriend.
Holy fuck! Michelle Rodriguez just can't stay dead! First she was resurrected in the Fast and Furious franchise and now Resident Evil?
Did anyone get a good shot at the QR code on Sylvane's cell door? Considering that this comes from JJ Abrams, I'm guessing if we could scan it, it would turn up something neat.
That flap on your iPad case is meant to tuck behind the iPad to keep it from slipping out the top there. FYI.
And apparently the show needs to sacrifice a black man at the start of each episode to appease the Hollywood trope gods. Seriously, a black guy gets it in the first five minutes of the first two episodes.
So if the humans are hunting both vampire and lycan alike, why are the vampires and lycans still bothering to fight each other!?
Yeah, you can mark me down as going to see this one, too! (despite what appears to be yet another Magical Negro trope)
...and now it's time for me to pull out my Brotherhood of the Wolf Blu-ray....
Is Cap ever going to wear the cowl in this flick?
Now that is a show I would've watched, unlike Grimm which never appealed to me. Here's hoping that the success of Grimm and Once Upon A Time will make Fox reconsider this.
The Jean Paul Valley version would definitely qualify as significant. That said, it does appear on the full sized chart.
That just made my week!
Blade was my first thought, too! I would love to see the Blade franchise get rolling again!
That's exactly what it was supposed to be. Micheal Crichton wrote Eater's of the Dead (the title of the book upon which the movie was based) to be "true account" upon which Beowulf was based.
Looks WAY better than the first! People actually dying, whodathunk!?
"There's no active scanning of files or applications that enter memory, or regular checking of applications that are downloaded and installed. "
I loved my Evo 4G and I'm loving my Evo 3D even more. To each his own I suppose.