
Lol, jealous...

Not being in the PSN or XBL enviroment alone justifies some of these prices.

Looks like Ryu was doing a bit of meth around the time of the Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix.

The Snes chip is actually horrendous for anything other than strings ensembles. The C64's SID chip destroys everything anyway so the argument is futile. ;)

I really struggled to force my way through the last quarter of the game, was planning on 2 play throughs but uninstalled it right after i finished it. Actually enjoyed Tomb Raider a lot more to be honest.

Always find it off that they put multi-platform games in the "Best 360/PS3 game" catagories, makes absolutely no

I personally found Bioshock Infinite to be an overwhelming disappointment. Very dull game that just had some nice art direction and some great music.

They are obviously financial successes, critical successes...not always. COD has yearly releases, usually gets decent reviews and generates a ton of cash. Does that mean COD has the right to keep doing what it does with no room for anyone to complain?

I think they have become pretty lazy too, i'd definitely like to see

I know they support Nintendo, my question was about their reluctance to support PC. There is no rhyme or reason for it, so does that make them immature too? The Wii U has a tiny userbase compared to what PC has and what xbone and PS4 will potentially have so I can see why it is getting shunned. They are a publisher,

So is Konami, Cave, Capcom and Atlus' lack of support on PC immature too? They have no reason not to release their games there, even if they were just bog standard ports. They would make a ton of money and aquire a lot more fans too.

The future? Ha!

To those that don't understand the need for this, I rarely find time to play handheld games on the go and I never feel the need to sit with a handheld when im at home. Whenever I use my PSP I hook it up to my TV via component cables.

It's a real shame as the Blackwell series is really good, as are the rest of the Wadjet Eye games. Given they are so cheap anyway and it's an Indie dev i'm surprised people would want to steal from them. Actually, im not surprised at all.

You're comment, perfect. Fucking Sun...

Though i get your point that it's really just going over old ground, i think you are missing the main point in any kind of video game. Games can try new idea's and mechanics and try to seperate itself from the rest but that doesn't always mean it will be a fun game.

"Hmmm, that looks Okay...but ditch anything original and slap the Mario franchise on it. That's where the big bucks are."

Queue many people appalled by parents buying violent games...when they were playing just as violent stuff as kids too. Next they'll be chirping on about violent movies and how watching Robocop stab someone in the throat was different from kids watching violence now.

Not enough people have played this game, possibly one of the best games ever made and makes most other tactical rpg's look laughable in comparison. A lot of depth and immersion to be experienced here and a really gratifying combat system.

One of the best games ever made. Period.

I have this on Amiga but still have to get around to playing it. Looks awesome though and man does it have a sexy box.

Dungeon Keeper