
Oh, this lady. It's such a lame, mom sign ("Ya get it???? It's Uncle Sam! Because that's very American! But he wants the mayor to resign, that's what he wants!" "Ugh, YES mom, I get it!"). And she's staring at it like she's just noticed it's lame. Hee.

I feel like, if Hooters is telling you you're being too creepy and sexist, you need to seriously question your life choices.

That's what I'm wondering. These are still serious charges of CRIMES. I wasn't aware (although it seems silly now) that politicians aren't held to the same laws as the rest of us.

The real question is, how is the petition dressed?

Oh, you know it's serious when celebrities "take to twitter."

a person I used to call my "wifey"

I don't exactly know why, but I'm on Gaga's side in this I think. I can totally believe that Perez is being a massive douche, even if he's not actually stalking her.

Not to make things worse, but you know what I didn't think of when I had two small children? The day when I would have two teens. OMG. WTF was I thinking?

I think that's totally reasonable and smart. Honestly, I started doing that in college. If there were guys who would bad-mouth their families for no good reason (like their families were not abusive or damaging — that would be different — just saying nasty immature stuff about their loving families) I'd skip town

Oh you definitely made the right choice! I never want children and I, conversely, have had relationships end partly because the guy I was with definitely does (among other things). It's one of those non-negotiables, and it's right of you to prioritize it. (Also, while it's fine and fun to be a 'peter pan', it's also

Whatevs. Haters gonna hate. Taters gonna potate.

There is never anything wrong with figuring out what you want and need and then doing what you can to achieve those things. If you're not hurting anyone else, there ain't nothin' wrong with having yourself and your priorities figured out. If you have some idea of what you want out of life, you're further ahead than a

Something about that "but we work now" argument just seems so damn entitled. Like you owe him your time and attention rather than moving on to find someone whose life goals better align with yours? No.

Luckily, that is not on the mortgage application. Alas, I am pushing fifty and I just make enough money to toss some panties every month. Don't sweat it :-0

You do you. Nothing wrong with making changes to get the life you want.

Try not to think about things in terms of deadlines, although I know it's hard. But none of us honestly have any idea how or when we're actually going to have kids. And most people I know who are doing the "settling down because that's what people are supposed to do" route don't seem to be too happy either. You are

If it helps, I think you made the right call. Long-distance flirtation guys do not want a commitment, or even a monogamous involvement. Soothing sounds and so on.

I have two small children. I don't recommend it.

Just, stop. Stop telling me to get married and grow up. Stop telling me to live freely and singly in my early twenties. Just let me live own damn life. I am a grown-ass woman and will make my own decisions.

I prefer to think of it as being a retroactive toddler. I AM the center of my universe. I am uncommitted unless we count my BFF/FWB as a commitment. (I do not, actually). I do not live in a loft or downtown however. I live in a house that I bought and paid for with a ten year old (Big Foot), a dog and two kittens. I